Some time in the last 10 days or so the Marketplace RSS-feeds started showing up wrong results. This correlates with other merchants reporting various other problems on the MP, so I assume some kind of update was rolled out that broke the MP feeds as well.
Observed behavior
I am using feed-links along the lines of:[sort]=released_at_desc&search[keywords]=Hippo
to get the newest listings into my feed reader. Until recently, this worked fairly well. However, for the past ca. 10 days, regardless what you use for
, you get a totally unrelated list of results - and it is the same list regardless what keyword you use. See screenshot.
As a merchant, it is important to me to get a quick overview about my market niche. The RSS-feeds provide a vital part of this market intelligence. The alternative - manually checking the various seqrch queries in question - would be very time consuming.
The other alternative would be external scraping-services that build RSS-feeds, which I need to use for Canny already. They would put an extra load on the Marketplace, as they regularly need to query/crawl the site, whereas the Marketplace' own RSS feeds would reduce the load.