I'm really impressed with how it's working so far! Excellent job!
It's a little creepy how it knows my username and password automatically, and signs me in straight away without asking me what user account I want to use or what location. I would have preferred to test it on my store alt, not my main, but anyway, it works so much better than the mobile app.
I noticed I cannot press any symbols by holding shift + numbers up the top of my keyboard to create a happy face like ":)" so when I replied to somebody they got :0 instead LOL --- imaged emojis don't work either.
I noticed when I walk, I experience a bit of a jittery lag (like a stop-go effect). I think this might be due to my usual 230ms ping from being in Australia, but it's showing only 14ms on the web browser.
One issue I have with the official viewer is that I get all group chats, unlike Firestorm, where I can turn them off. I find it pretty distracting. I don't mind notices, but the constant talking with notifications of group chat messages are too much for me.
In the future, it would be great to have the option to save our preferences and chat logs.
After using it for about 10 minutes, it switches to a page that says, "Welcome MysteriousBuilder, Your new account is activated. Download... I’d prefer if it instead displayed a message like, "Your 10 minutes is up! Thank you for taking the time to experience our web browser. Please provide your feedback on our feedback.secondlife.com platform."
I’m not sure why it’s welcoming my store alt when I was logged in as g13n, but overall, the experience is a huge improvement. You're definitely heading in the right direction. :-D