No Chat Available on Both iPad & Mac Mini or Favorites Button on any Browser
KellyArquette Resident
BIGGEST SHORTCOMINGS: Mobile devices (i.e.; iPad using Chrome) & Mac Mini on Chrome have no typing feature available. The usual ‘clicking into any text input box’ should prompt the iPad Keyboard to appear at the bottom but it does nothing. On the Mac, my USB connected keyboard fails to function at all. It’s interesting that the USB wireless Apple mouse works just fine on the Mac.
Compared to the latest SL viewer for iPad app or MacOS version of Firestorm, this has great potential. It could someday become an incredible replacement for any current SL viewer. For me, the high frame rates, PBR lighting effects and textures are incredible compared to any of the other available viewers made for SL including Firestorm’s latest. If not for the lack of text input for chat, search, and other typing, this would be my preferred viewer of choice. Unfortunately for many, that alone would be a deal breaker.
One other missing feature I’ll mention is the handy “Favorites ⭐️ Button”. This missing button gives me quick access to all my frequently used goodies. It would be greatly missed if I used this new browser version of SL viewers was my “go to” viewer.
Log In
KellyArquette Resident
As of 1/25/2025, the MacOS viewer was able to finally use the keyboard. As of 1/26/2005, logging in now is nearly impossible. I have not been able to use it since 1/25/2025 due to “too many users online” error. I would like to see if the IPadOS has text input available but there is no way to get on anymore.
As many here have mentioned, the preferences and customization changed on one’s session is never saved for the next. Each new session brings you back to original default settings.