Suggetion to allow fair use of daily resources.
Zia Underwood
Phillip asked the question in the Content Creators Meeting today but I missed it so I thought I'd post my idea here.
Basically the question was how can you go about giving everyone fair access to the browsers daily resources without people abusing said resources by spinning up multiple accounts. My suggestion is to create a mobile authentication app like Steam or Blizzard. Each day the app produces a new unique key tied to that device and SL account or accounts. Once you have the key you can log in, if that key has burned it's daily allotment than you can't login and you have to wait for a fresh key.
Perhaps a user could also be incentivized in some fashion to link multiple accounts together. Perhaps a one time stipend payment per account. OR by some other means to link more of their accounts to that app. Tying them permanently together meaning they'd all share the same daily key. I'm uncertain what sort of carrot would incentivize a person to do this but that's something that could be researched.
This solution avoids SMS which is famously not secure. And an app could be installed on devices that don't have a sim card. I could see someone potentially buying a bunch of devices to run a bunch of apps so they could run multiple accounts. I'm not sure if enough people would go that far just to scam this system but I leave that for you all to decide.
Another possible solution is instead of using time as the only measure for logging in, use how much of the servers resources the user is making use of a part of the equation. Kind of like in Pantheon when the UI's run hot they burn out faster. So if a user is teleporting to a new location every ten seconds to scan a region for users and than pop off to the next one. Than maybe they burn their daily rations much faster. It doesn't solve the multiple account issue but you could pair it with the authentication app, IP/Mac or SMS. Also a AFK timeout or AFK check would probably be useful as well. If someones not interacting with the service for ten minutes or so they get automatically disconnected.
Automatically flagging accounts that exhibit odd behavior is another possible vector to use. Flagged accounts can go to human review and their activity can be scrutinized for details that could track abuse of the system.
Those are just some of the ideas I had.
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