Spidey Linden
Hello, and thank you for your feature request.
Incoming suggestions are reviewed in the order they are received by a team of Lindens with diverse areas of expertise. We consider a number of factors: Is this change possible? Will it increase lag? Will it break existing content? Is it likely that the number of residents using this feature will justify the time to develop it? This wiki page further describes the reasoning we use: Feature Requests
This particular suggestion, unfortunately, cannot be tackled at this time. However, we regularly review previously deferred suggestions when circumstances change or resources become available.
We are grateful for the time you took to submit this feature request. We hope that you are not discouraged from submitting others in the future. Many excellent ideas to improve Second Life come from you, our residents. We can’t do it alone.
Thank you for your continued commitment to Second Life.
Atlas Linden
under review
Danielit Amore
Atlas Linden I want to add I took my picture from Second Life viewer yesterday, but poblems are same
Danielit Amore
sometimes I see two my pictures on the Trending page, but not all
Danielit Amore
the link I see on my profile, but it is not on the login page for people
Danielit Amore
Hello, Atlas, I do not see and my friends do not see my pictures on my Dashboard on Trending page since October. First I set settings that nobody can see my profile feed and my posts, later I set back settings that Second LIfe can see but it does not work. I use Firestorm viewer last version. Also I set my post- the link of my video dance from Second Life 2 months ago, it is not there. I hope SL will solve it some day, but they said me on Support Ticket "this is a known issue. While the developers are aware of it and working on it, there is no current estimate of when the fix will be complete." Thank you!
Atlas Linden
needs info
Danielit Amore
Atlas Linden I provided more details in comments
Atlas Linden
Hi Danielit,
Are you able to provide more details on this issue?
Does the issue reproduce in the SL viewer or is it strictly Firestorm?
Note that we are currently aware of the Blog not displaying on the login screen: https://status.secondlifegrid.net/incidents/60d44khk39k6