🪰 Viewer Bug Reports

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WebRTC Voice connection problems
I see my dot - so I am connecting  too the server or it's a false connection ? I see no sound waves for myself - other avatars are in the RED; they can not hear me and I can't hear them. Was told to wait for a region restart-  I did nothing changed. Was sent the Wiki on sl voice trouble shooting - even though it did not apply too me, its trouble shoots the Vivox  system .     BUT humor them anyway and went through each step 1. by 1. too no avail Things I have tried on my own and with help from Tech friends Both Firestorm Viewer , current and Beta  The Current SLV viewer  tried them all . White listed the recommend files  in Windows Defender installed a different Anti virus , no change  ( Avast - and the firestorm is white listed in there) reinstalled all viewers-  from scratch , deleted everything off my pc! ( a long shot)  did not work !  i didn't think it would :) Tried other accounts on my PC  same as my main . Tried 2 other pc's in the house and worked fine.  so its not blocked in my router/firewall was told it used Port 443? then is open , if that is the port its using and was blocked why would it work on other pcs? I restarted the router and unplugged it and restarted pc ... I have been to the testing regions but it doesn't work.   the old voice system does work just fine its just the WebRTC that is the problem I was thinking it was My Pc where the problem is - but having talked to support again this am.  seems too think it may not be? I  have sent my logs to support . Which is where I am at now. submitting this to form as requested by support
Bug in Save Back to Object Contents
Issue: An item rezzed by a rezzer, or rezzed by dragging out of a prim, can be grouped and coalesced back into the object, incorrectly updating the last-selected object as a coalesced one. It reasons that each selected which were rezzed separately be placed back in the object separately. Now that we can pick up objects as a group but still separated, the Build > Object > Save Object back to Object Contents should respect the form it was rezzed in and put it back as singles of the same name as well. Why? Right now we can make really simple rezzers that just let us organize stuff willy nilly but to save updates made (like recoloring, relinking, etc) we have to Save Back to Object Contents, one at a time. If we could do it as a group, we could select a whole build and choose the option, any anything which has an object_rezzer key still around can be updated in one stroke. This would be phenomenal for keeping builds organized and updated! Note: This may create issues with mixed coalesced and linked items. In that case, it should be prudent to take the coalesced items first, and then go through the rest of the selected list. If this is unfeasible, a warning is in order if saving a previously coalesced set back. Reproduction: Rez 3 prims, name 2 of them uniquely Pick the named ones up separately Place them in the object inventory Drag them out of the inventory to rez them, one at a time Select both of them and Build > Object > Save back to object contents Attempt to drag each out again. The last selected one before saving is now coalesced as both, and the other is not updated.
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