Feature Requests

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Blocking avatars should block their scripts from interacting with or tracking you
It would be nice that if you blocked an avatar their scripts would no longer recognize you as being online or a valid target. Either that or some sort of privacy controls for what others scripts can do to your avatar such as track your location or if they can see if you are online. It would be nice if you could keep blocked avatars from doing the following things when you block them: - Tracking your online status without your consent with scripted items or HUDs. - Using scripts to make objects automatically follow, bump you, cage, orbit, or make particles only other people can see (since they are blocked) appear to spam from your avatar. - Using worn scripted objects to make their avatar follow you. I realize if this were implemented that it might break some things and would like to see if there was any ideas on the best way this could be done without literally breaking everything. It would be nice if there was a way to allow users the ability to prevent harassment, griefing, stalking and other undesirable scripted annoyances from other residents that target you. I think something like this would also lower the load the Governance team has to deal with when unfriendly residents are acting up and resort to doing any of these things to fellow residents. This would potentially generate less reports and give residents the ability to protect themselves peacefully. I was inspired to write this because as of me writing this I was sent an image today from a friend that showed me someone I'd rather not have know I am online with an object that has collected statistics about when I am online, how often I am online, how long I am online and those stats for over 3,500 log-ins over the years displayed over it in hovertext. I have the person blocked, it would be nice if I had a means to prevent them from this too.


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