Feature Requests

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Low hanging fruit - massive improvement to mobile experience/non PBR clients
Fairly simple one this. Grid wide, where we have objects that are textured with ONLY PBR textures, replace the blinn phong "default" plywood texture, with the "Base Colour" from the PBR material. This will have the effect of instantly "texturing" a VAST amount of objects that otherwise look like bare plywood on mobile, or just a blank texture on older clients. Now, in fairness.... I understand it's likely not feasible to retrospectively apply this to every item created since PBR was a thing - However.. It would be feasible to make the default blinn phong texture change to the base colour texture from the PBR, where not other blinn phong texture is selected . In other words, when a PBR is applied, "if blinn phong texture = default, change it to pbr base colour map." The same thing can be done with the normal map as well. Huge improvement, super easy. Just pull the UUID of the base colour material from the PBR and apply it as the blinn phong. The server has to call it anyway to build the PBR right? So, have it use that UUID string in 2 places not one and it's GG, EZ. This would mean people building stuffs with PBR would automatically be texturing their objects for mobile / older / web clients, but would retain the option to specify a different texture if they chose to . LindenLab has stated that PBR is the future (I agree, I love it) and blinn phong is going to be phased out, but I also know the lab has plans to use mobile as a big onboarding tool, and unless you plan to offer cloud compute to every mobile device, for free , forever , then those mobile devices will never be able to handle PBR. So some kind of accommodation needs to be made, or the retention of new users will be pants because vast parts of their world will look like untextured plywood. At that point we'll really have to work hard to remind ourselves why their experience is an improvement over a good text-only client.


Please join Second Life to the Blender Development Fund
I've meant to ask about this at 3 past Meet the Linden Events and keep forgetting, but I'm downloading an update right now and saw the Donate button, so while it's on my mind... Open Source projects supporting one another is key to our mutual survival, right? Blender's Founder publicly asked for greater donation support earlier this year. The software that helps SL world-building remain free is receiving donations from less than 0.1 percent of its users. We need Blender. Blender supports us. Really! The DAE file format--the one and only format for importing mesh into Second Life--was discontinued in 2016, and Blender's Devs decided to carry it forward another 10 years specifically because Second Life, a fellow Open Source projeect, relied on it and needed it. I know SL is small and throwing money around isn't easy, but the conrporate fund memberships have 6k and 12k tiers that should honestly be a drop even for LL. Heck, it's a non-binding membership and can go "on hold" if the $ becomes an issue. But going through the corporate fund means that LL would get a designated board contact and designated developer liason as well. Linden Lab could actually have a direct line to the communicate about the tools we need. And, if LL is looking to increase its visibility? Second Life's name beside Epic Games, NVidia, Meta, Adobe, Ubisoft, Wacom... Anyways; it is a small investment in something very core to Second Life's needs, so a little spot in the back of my mind would feel more at ease if LL were to join Blender's fund. *I should disclaim, I have nothing to do with Blender's operations, development, etc nor with LL operations. I'm just an enthusiastic user of both, requesting an alignment that benefits each.
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