In the old material Blinn-Phong, the center of the face/texture was the axis of deformation. However, in the PBR material, the corner of the face/texture, the upper left corner, is the axis. This is probably due to the gltf specification, but it requires that an offset be calculated and applied when scaling or rotating a texture. I would like to add an option such as "Transform at center" to center the transformation axis so that it is easier to change from the editing window. For LSL, I think it would be a idea to add constants like PRIM_GLTF_OPTION_ENABLE and DISABLE, and add options as bitwise operable flags like this: [PRIM_GLTF_OPTION_ENABLE,GLTF_TRANSFORM_CENTER|GLTF_DOUBLE_SIDED|YYY] [PRIM_GLTF_OPTION_DISABLE,GLTF_TRANSFORM_CENTER|ZZZ] If the bit is 1, it is on or off, and if it is 0, it will inherit the asset's settings. (Adding parameters to existing PRIM_GLTF_BASE_COLOR, NORMAL, EMISSIVE, etc. means that the number of parameters will increase with each additional option, and you will need to constantly modify your scripts.)