Feature Requests

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Re: HDRI Preview feature and future wishes
I just tried the HDRI Preview feature. I did love the effect it had on the environment light, but using the HDRI I tried with (the one initially recommended by you at LL for PBR work) did cause a field to be drawn on the sky dome, which looks really funny and out of place... screenshot attached with a view from an unenclosed skybox. In my case, a simple sky-and-maybe-clouds texture there would probably be better. I'd love to see this feature evolve to where one is able to upload an EXR or HDR file and apply it to the environment. I'd also love to see the feature evolve such that... The light from the HDRI is kept but the rendering of the image on the dome can be disabled. This effect is possible to set in both Blender and Substance Painter for example, also an option to blur it. In conjunction with the above feature, combining the use of an HDRI and the animated cloud texture we already have today, and the clouds should of course cast shadows! This would be great especially when you have very small or no clouds in the HDRI texture when you choose to keep it rendered. I'd love to be able to have one HDRI above, and another one under sea surface. Combining this with the previous mentioned features could allow for really cool effects under water! The ability to set one HDRI for environment light, and a separate HDRI for "texturing" the dome. Setting this texture to a built-in Transparent texture (or a new one like that for HDRI) could be the mechanism to cause the first-mentioned feature of hiding the image of the HDRI on the dome, only keeping its light. Without the above few features, I wonder if this feature would end up only really being good when you're taking photos. Hope this makes some sort of sense... Thank you! =)


Nine sliced sprites API
This can be applied to resizable buttons, windows, dialogs, backgrounds, etc. on prim faces so that they don't look stretched and can maintain proportion to look visually pleasing. The advantage of this is that the slices are handled in an internal framebuffer by LL themselves so it can be drawn onto a single face by a scripter without having to use more prims to achieve the same effect. key llSlicedSpriteCreate(integer link, integer face, string texture, list sprites, vector cornerDimensions, vector initialSize) link - The link to hold the sliced sprite. face - The face to draw the sliced sprite on. texture - A texture UUID representing the nine slices. sprites - A list of pixel coordinates (vectors) in the texture of the nine slices. cornerDimensions - The corner dimensions of the slices. initialSize - The initial size of the sliced sprite. integer llSlicedSpriteResize(key spriteKey, vector newSize) The stretchable (edges and center) adjust proportionally while keeping the corners fixed. spriteKey - The id of the sprite returned by llSlicedSpriteCreate newSize - A vector specifying the new overall size for the sprite. returns success integer llSlicedSpriteSetTexture(key spriteKey, string texture, list sprites) In case later on the scripter wants to change the textures or slices. spriteKey - The id of the sprite. texture - The UUID of the new texture. sprites - A list of pixel coordinates in the texture of the nine slices. returns success vector llSlicedSpriteGetSize(key spriteKey) Retrieve the current size of the slice sprite. spriteKey - The id of the sprite. returns the size integer llSlicedSpriteDelete(key spriteKey) In case the scripter wants to release and no longer use the sliced sprite. spriteKey - The id of the sprite. returns success Example usage, creating a 9-sliced sprite that users can resize: key dialogBox; key dialogTexture= "texture"; list dialogSprites = [ TLcoordinate, Tcoordinate, TRcoordinate, Lcoordinate, Ccoordinate, Rcoordinate, BLcoordinate, Bcoordinate, BRcoordinate ]; vector cornerDimensions = <0.5, 0.5, 0.1>; vector initialDialogSize = <4.0, 3.0, 1.0>; vector size1 = <4.0, 3.0, 1.0>; vector size2 = <6.0, 5.0, 1.0>; default { state_entry() { dialogBox = llSlicedSpriteCreate(LINK_THIS, 3, dialogTexture, dialogSprites, cornerDimensions, initialDialogSize); } touch_start(integer n) { vector newSize; vector currentSize = llSlicedSpriteGetSize(dialogBox); if (currentSize.x < 5.0) newSize = size2; else newSize = size1; llSlicedSpriteResize(dialogBox, newSize); } } There are more complex and powerful examples of how to use this but I figured I'd keep the use case simple. I also came up with a TileMap API and Inbetweening for easing in/out 2D sprite motions but I don't want to overwhelm you guys with feature requests. And, also my tilemap API wasn't that great and I think LL might come up with a better one themselves. This combined with my spritesheet and 2D physics suggestions along with the much anticipated Lua scripting will quickly revolutionize the development of 2D sprite games on SL and lead to a lot of interesting new products.
Tiled Texture Masking
Potentially a bit of a pie in the sky request here but... Tiled Texture Masking is a main stay of modern game rendering techniques that allow the use of lower resolution, smaller data, tillable textures in a manner that visually looks less repetitive, creating a higher quality end result from less intensive texturing. Second Life could GREATLY benefit from such a feature. It could be a drop-down option in the pbr materials menu to enable a procedural texture and allow the creator to put in 3 different materials and a map texture that uses the red green and blue channels to define masks for where each of the materials can show up on the face, using whichever channel value is the highest for that pixel with Red>Green>Blue as a priority fall back for any values that are equal. The alpha channel of the map would be ignored. Each material would still share the same offsets, repeats, animation settings, etc. To avoid too much strain that would potentially be caused by too many high-res textures. The materials for this feature should be limited to 512x512 at maximum for any texture that is a part of the material. A full suite of 3 materials that use all 4 textures at 512x512 with alpha layers and the map texture including an alpha layer would still take up less memory than a single material that used 1024x1024 textures with alpha channels for each texture in the material at 13mb vs 16mb. Take out the two unneeded alpha channels and remove the emissive mask and the numbers fall to 3.25mb (less than a single 1024x1024 w/ alpha channel) vs 10mb. Here's a youtube video of the concept by well known blender artist the Blender Guru on the concept. I have set the link to skip straight to the part of his explanation on how the technique works. https://youtu.be/1aNnERnHRZg?si=47z1q1197Nqs61Zi&t=376


Rigged meshes does not support Glow effects. Layer Stacking
Greetings This has been a bug for nearly 2 years now since all the recent FPS gain viewer updates and forward. ~I thought it may have been reported and hoped it would be fixed over the viewer updates, But now after 2 years i am here to file this report. This only seem to affect Rigged Meshes,. Unrigged prims/meshes are unaffected by this issue. Steps to produce the issue: Blender, create a cube and rig it to SL Skeleton... any bone lets say (mChest) for this test Copy the Cube 2 times and make each cube slightly bigger than the other. So we create a layer stack. SO Base / Middle and Top layer. So 3 seperated meshes intotal Export and upload the Rigged cubes to SL Now in SL. The Base layer can be left untouched Middle Layer, Set it to a color and assign a glow and give it some transparency lets say 0.5 glow and 0.5 Transparency The Top layer, Assign a Transparent texture >>> Give it a Default Normal map >>> And blank specular map Now activate Animated mesh on it and you will then see the glow does not shine through the very top layer. Solution to avoid glow being eaten.. Is to remove the Normal Map from the top layer, for some reason then the glow on the middle layer shines through. This bug does not affect default unrigged prims but does however affect rigged meshes. Can this be fixed please. This may even resolve the alpha blending issue on layer mesh stacking in SL Provided some image on information on bug within SL


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