✨ Feature Requests

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Priority Loading feature on objects, and an "Only load objects with Priority" viewer setting
Loading into a large event, or a well-decorated region can be a hassle, especially for those on low-end computers. It is not uncommon for vendors to use high resolution textures that seem to load after everything around you has loaded first. This often forces users to idle for long periods of times in shopping event regions and stores, just waiting to see the things they might want to buy. In the early days of an event's opening, this often means jam-packed regions for multiple days straight. This request will help ease this bottleneck, and allow those on lower-end machines to shop with ease. I am suggesting an optional setting in the edit window that pushes an object's textures to the front of the rendering queue. This option would only be enabled for objects a user owns, that are modifiable, and that are set to sale, or have their "click to" setting set to "Buy" or "Pay". By default, with this setting enabled, a user would see these priority objects' textures load in first, before anything else, with all other objects displaying the unloaded grey texture until the priority objects are finished. In addition, there should be an option in preferences to ONLY load textures on priority objects, leaving everything as untextured mesh shapes, and one to IGNORE priority and render objects normally. In any case, avatars, terrain, and environments would be unaffected by this setting, since they have their own optional rendering settings already. It's kind of a "show friends only" but for vendors!
Controls for rendering additional attached regions
New graphics preferences to control how many additional regions your client will render. I have seen this feature before in an older client and I really loved that level of control. This gives users much better control over their performance allowing them to determine how many additional regions their client will render. Draw Distance would still affect additional regions being rendered. The way I would suggest handling this is through two additional sliders in the graphics preferences under a new category: Region Visibility Region Grid Range: A slider (1-9, unlimited option) This controls how many grid layers can be rendered Set to 1 you will see any regions directly connected to the region you are in (including connected by corners) Set to 2 in addition you will see any regions connected to the layer 1 regions, and so on Region Rendering Limit: A slider (0-361, unlimited option) This controls how many additional regions in total the client renders Set to 0 you will only see the region you are in Set to 1 you will only see one additional region closest to you Set to 2 you will only see the two regions closest to you, and so on The reasoning behind adding the Region Grid Range slider would be allowing for higher draw distances while still limiting how many connected region grids you can see. As an example if I kept my draw distance at 4096, but kept my Region Grid Range to 1, I would then see every region connected directly to the region that I am currently in but nothing beyond that. If set to 2 I would then see every region connected directly to the region I am in, and then also any regions directly connected to those additional regions.
Re: HDRI Preview feature and future wishes
I just tried the HDRI Preview feature. I did love the effect it had on the environment light, but using the HDRI I tried with (the one initially recommended by you at LL for PBR work) did cause a field to be drawn on the sky dome, which looks really funny and out of place... screenshot attached with a view from an unenclosed skybox. In my case, a simple sky-and-maybe-clouds texture there would probably be better. I'd love to see this feature evolve to where one is able to upload an EXR or HDR file and apply it to the environment. I'd also love to see the feature evolve such that... The light from the HDRI is kept but the rendering of the image on the dome can be disabled. This effect is possible to set in both Blender and Substance Painter for example, also an option to blur it. In conjunction with the above feature, combining the use of an HDRI and the animated cloud texture we already have today, and the clouds should of course cast shadows! This would be great especially when you have very small or no clouds in the HDRI texture when you choose to keep it rendered. I'd love to be able to have one HDRI above, and another one under sea surface. Combining this with the previous mentioned features could allow for really cool effects under water! The ability to set one HDRI for environment light, and a separate HDRI for "texturing" the dome. Setting this texture to a built-in Transparent texture (or a new one like that for HDRI) could be the mechanism to cause the first-mentioned feature of hiding the image of the HDRI on the dome, only keeping its light. Without the above few features, I wonder if this feature would end up only really being good when you're taking photos. Hope this makes some sort of sense... Thank you! =)


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