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It's time to restore voice to the Infohubs
Sometime in the last 2 - 3 years Linden Labs decided to systematically deactivate voice across all the Infohubs as a result these places are now nothing more than landing spots for Bots and the social connectivity part of second life has become more difficult. This is because privately owned sims that "cater" to social interactions are often moderated by power hungry control freaks, be it telling you "NO WEAPONS ALLOWED" when you're holding a fork, or telling you "DONT POST LINKS IN LOCAL" when you link Marketplace for a newbie who asks where to buy clothes from, these types of interaction have now socially engineered a culture in secondlife where no one speaks in local chat for fear of triggering another person for the most sanitized of comments and getting banned from said spot. Some of us, dont come to Second Life to live out a whole other life and make pretend and get lost in roleplay. We're just here to meet people from around the world and talk to strangers that we may never have the chance to meet with otherwise. Lacking such ease and spontaneity to what the infohubs provided in the past has made this platform feel dead and empty. Not only is it time restore voice to Infohubs, but its also time to make them more interconnected, there could be a board that offers teleports to different infohubs across mainland, and this would promote Mainland exploration to give users an appreciation of just how big and massive this metaverse is, not unlike how Yarapods travel from one hub to another, the only problem is NO ONE VISITS these Infohubs so the yara travel pods arent even being used!


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