it would be nice if Zindra (the continent hastily built to host the Adult refugees after the demoting of all the ”Mature” main land sims to ”Moderate” status), could get some love from Lindens and Moles... I mean, we really need it to be brought on par with older main land continents (with public rez zones on roads at each sim border, better public buildings, the addition of water sims and protected water channels to allow sailing all around the continent, the addition of land sims with some hills and mountains, etc). Also, why not moving it closer to the other continents on the grid (it's just an offset to change in sims coordinates), and link it via an ”Adult channel” to the rest of the SL seas ?... EDIT: oh, and I almost forgot... Please, fix public parcels (especially roads) permission flags, so to allow scripted vehicle entry and let people providing public transportation have their scripted automated vehicles roam freely the roads of Zindra. E.g. YavaScript PODs, SLGI Transportation System, etc...