Web/Marketplace Bugs

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SL map tile service still has CORS setup problems.
I have a "slippy map" interface to the SL map. You can try it at https://www.animats.com/sl/map You can rotate, tilt, and fly over the SL map. Hold down CTRL and left mouse button for that. It gives a nice sense of the scale of the world. It's not accessing the SL maps via Akamai directly. It's going through a second proxy server to work around a problem with cross-origin protection. This works slowly, and if the map is used too much, the proxy server sometimes shuts off. So, as a general service for SL users, it's not reliable. There's a URL that directly accesses the SL map tile service, without a proxy server. That's at https://www.animats.com/sl/map/noproxy.html Right now, that will just produce a blank screen. If you look at browser errors, Firefox reports "CORS missing allow origin". A typical URL https://secondlife-maps-cdn.akamaized.net/map-2-998-1000-objects.jpg will display the image of a map tile. What's going on is that browser rules will allow viewing an image regardless of CORS status (that's grandfathered in), but the same image can't be used with WebGL for rotating, tilting, and perspective. For this to work in standard browsers, an option needs to be set at Akamai. See https://techdocs.akamai.com/api-definitions/docs/cross-origin-resource-sharing-cors for the section that reads: In the Allowed origins text box, enter the hostnames that you want to allow via the Access-Control-Allow-Origin response header. The hostnames that you enter must start with http or https. For detailed hostname syntax requirements, refer to RFC-952 and RFC-1123 specifications. If you did not allow credentials, you can enter the wildcard (*) sign to accept all hostnames. This is 1) obscure, 2) easy to fix, and 3) from a discussion at Server User Group was thought to be fixed already. Previously reported years ago via the JIRA system, but the request has been lost. Thanks.


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