✨ Feature Requests

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Giving us an option to turn off 'conference calls' per person on friends list.
This is an on going issue, we've all had at least 1 spam conference call from someone spamming their friends list repeatedly to go to their music show, or theater or any number of things they are involved. Its annoying, and blows up our screens, and yes we can X it out, but most times they just open up another and keep spamming and we have to continuously X it out. There is an option in the preferences that allows us to check the box to automatically ignore and leave ALL conferences chats. BUT the problem is, many people do want to use this conference option with friends and multiple friends added to it, and actually use this tool as it was ment to be used. When we use the check mark to turn this option off, we lose that ability to actually use it with friends we want to have conferences with, and on the flip side, if we turn it back on to actually use it, then again we are being spammed with people sending mass friends list conference calls. What I would like is if we can add this option to each person on our friends list, like we have on the line for them to see us, be able to move our items, and so on, If there is a option added that allows us to check them off and then they can not spam us that would be perfect. OR actually any way that would make sense or is able to be done, at this point I'm not picky long as it makes sense on location and works to stop the mass friends list spamming. Thanks Yous!

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Dear Lindenlab, Since the tilia wallet been installed and public announced i want to inform here the following issues: 1 now the automatically process is been desactivated Worth is that if you try to pay partial for example lets say you choose 209 usd it will take 169.93 from a full region and the difference on a homestead... This is NOT logic and must be fixed... When you are lands are due to pay they appear in the right column sums are correct and names appearing this is fine BUT if you try to pay full or partial NO names appear on the billing screen to pay to put balance back correct... I like to remind that if you dont apply a pay during 30 days your account be on hold I was told... Idea is to pay land fees and to be told which amount is for which sim... I like to specify that even on the mail you get later in day once you payed is also NOT specified. It be very nice that same time they fix this and URGENTLY its an EMERGENCY for all landlords of sims owners in secondlife i suppose some noticed this also and mention it in ticket or other way... Yes same time they put a color numbers... GREEN when been payed. and RED when is due... not payed... Please act on this issue urgently and it will have been nice that a little explnation has been gaven when all this be brought online and not with a bug like this... Thank you very much to read this long im and to fix this I join an example of a partial payment NO sim name specified and also since when a fp is this price or a hs also has u can see numbers are really all wrong tough... i did this test pay on 2*209 means 2 regular sim full region not grandfasther and has you can see here i see hs also. thsi is all messed up.... Please lindenlab fix this urgently is important for all sim owners. Kind Regards, Kristaki Hudson

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