needs info
Kristaki Hudson
Dear Lindenlab, Since the tilia wallet been installed and public announced i want to inform here the following issues:
1 now the automatically process is been desactivated
- Worth is that if you try to pay partial for example lets say you choose 209 usd it will take 169.93 from a full region and the difference on a homestead... This is NOT logic and must be fixed...
- When you are lands are due to pay they appear in the right column sums are correct and names appearing this is fine BUT if you try to pay full or partial NO names appear on the billing screen to pay to put balance back correct...
I like to remind that if you dont apply a pay during 30 days your account be on hold I was told... Idea is to pay land fees and to be told which amount is for which sim... I like to specify that even on the mail you get later in day once you payed is also NOT specified.
It be very nice that same time they fix this and URGENTLY its an EMERGENCY for all landlords of sims owners in secondlife i suppose some noticed this also and mention it in ticket or other way... Yes same time they put a color numbers... GREEN when been payed. and RED when is due... not payed...
Please act on this issue urgently and it will have been nice that a little explnation has been gaven when all this be brought online and not with a bug like this...
Thank you very much to read this long im and to fix this I join an example of a partial payment NO sim name specified and also since when a fp is this price or a hs also has u can see numbers are really all wrong tough... i did this test pay on 2*209 means 2 regular sim full region not grandfasther and has you can see here i see hs also.
thsi is all messed up....
Please lindenlab fix this urgently is important for all sim owners.
Kind Regards,
Kristaki Hudson
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Count Burks
To me it looks better now. I see you have added back the cashout history which is also good. Thank you. I am sure you will also hear from Kristaki Hudson.
Spidey Linden
needs info
Are you still seeing this issue? We believe this should have been fixed earlier today. Thanks!
Kristaki Hudson
Thank you for this great move and fix Spidey Linden. one issue less:) now miss the names of the sims to appear properly in the returning page when you wish to pay partial or full and that the sim amounts are correct you think you have this fix by monday maximum or next week? I ask has i have lot of sims pending to be payed....
Count Burks
After contacting support this week regarding the lack of transparency in the Account History page with billing for regions customer support informed me that Linden Lab is working an solving the issue.
I myself got billed for VAT out of nowhere while there was no reason for this.
I also understand the concerns of Kristaki Hudson in this matter.
Also describing VAT as Tilia Evaluated Tax seems pretty weird. Is that some sort of effort to promote Tilia? What kind of company does this? VAT is VAT so name it VAT like any other company on the planet does.
Then we have weird billing lines like this where you put amounts between brackets. There is no reason for these lines to even be there. Then you put a red 1 next to these lines referring to a TOS page of Tilia that provides zero information what all these lines mean.
2025-02-16 01:23:09 Full Region 1 ($55555.00) ($55555.00)
2025-02-16 01:23:09 Recurring Island Fees 1 ($55555.00) ($55555.00)
We hope Linden Lab will correct and adjust everything so things are back as they used to be before this update.
Also the cashout history has vanished from the website, we would like to see that get added back again.
Thank you
Count Burks
Kristaki Hudson
Count Burks not sure on u side but me on mz side so spidey linden can see i still see NO names specified on the bill of tilia and on the moment u wish to pay partial or full so is the pending to be done