All the reasons why Canny is not a suitable bug tracker for Second Life.
I will keep adding to this list as I find more problems
Please, please (literally BEGGING IN ALL CAPS here), can you give us a functional bug tracker for Second Life.
Because we're worth it (hair fling) - might not make sense in the US if you don't have
L'Oreal advert lol
I suggest we should use Redmine plus a nice selection of Plugins.
Redmine is FREE.
Lots of Redmine plugins are FREE.
You might need to pay for some plugins you need, but they are all relatively cheap.
Redmine is also Open source so you can write your own plugins if needed.
Redmine supports OAuth, so users can login to Redmine using their SL login credentials
Never thought I'd be shilling for Redmine - the poor man's JIRA but bloody hell, at least it's a functional bug tracker, unlike Canny.
In no particular order...
1) MINOR - The pane to type in your bug report details is TINY and as of now there is no way to resize it. It's not usable for long & complicated bug repro steps.
Workaround - file bug then edit issue - edit page is more usable -
2) BLOCKER - There appears to be no way to link issues together!
3) BLOCKER - There appears to be no activity stream - how are we supposed to see all the changes that occur in real time - like noticing if someone left a comment on an older issue.
There is no way to sort issues by last updated either.
Canny is not functional for bug repoorts where debugging & conversation needs to occur between users & LL because there is no way for the user to easily see if any of their reports have had updates or a question has been asked.
4) MAJOR - I'm not getting emails when updates are made to an issue I filed or voted on - can't find a setting to enable email notificatations.
This relates to #3 - this makes it very difficult to know when an update has been made to your issue.
The only action that sends an email is an @ mention.
Do you want @mention to be enabled for all users? It could be used to send massive amounts of email spam by griffers.
5) MAJOR - There appears to be no way to find all reports a certain user filed.
This feature in JIRA is used often in bug triage.
6) BLOCKER - You can't attach anything to an issue that isn't a gif/jpg/png/webp
How are we supposed to attach log files, dae files, sound files, animations, gifs etc for bug repros?
7) MAJOR - Search doesn't work well at all. It misses issues it should find and finds issues that have nothing to do with the search term at all.
8) MAJOR - The filed issues do not even have a number reference! They are named with the title! eg
If you edit the issue title, the URL changes!!
If you have 2 issues filed with the same title, it appends -1 etc to the URL
This is a pain in the ass for various reasons - we will end up having test items in inventory named rather then just BUG-12345 or SL-12345
This will also look lovely in the release notes with no nice way to link the public facing bug.
9) BLOCKER - No ability to add labels. I use labels extensively
10) BLOCKER - Can't create , save or use filters.
11) MAJOR - Beq can't file any report on Canny using Chrome -
12) BLOCKER - Closed issues just - disappear!
There's no way to view closed issues, even your own issues that have been closed, they do not show up under own issues.
Only way to find them again if if you kept a note of the URL!
13) BLOCKER - There is no ability to watch an issue.
You can vote on an issue but there is no functionality to even bring up a list of issues you voted on!
14) LOL - Zalgo text will destroy the main bugs list page:
Sntax said he's already reported this to Canny
15) MINOR - There's been several complaints now that the text input fields flicker and jump around when entering text.
Nicky & Beq can reproduce this.
I can't repro it.
16) MAJOR - There appears to be no way to restrict issues you file to Triagers & Reporter or Linden & reporter.
Therefore, how should we file repros to crash the viewer or region? These kinds of reports shouldn't be public.
How do we file SEC issues that only Lindens can see?
17) MAJOR - Lots of Adblockers break Canny.
Most people have an adblocker installed these days.
This issue will display in the web browser like this:
Thanks to Chaser Zaks for this info
18) MAJOR, possibly BLOCKER - It's possible to change your name in Canny.
I changed my name to Whirly Linden -
To Reproduce:
* Log out
* Log back in
* Observe - the settings fields are unlocked and can be edited
Your changed name can be seen in comments etc and then the changes you made automatically revert after a few minutes.
Possible blocker - If you can race condition it at just the right time, it'll be updated at the right time and the changes might stick. This should probably be investigated.
Thanks to Chaser Zaks for finding this one.
19) MINOR - It's not possible to get a link to a specific comment on a Canny issue like we can on JIRA.