Create a third non-binary/gender-ambiguous Senra avatar
Cutie Crush
Recently, the feature request was marked as "In Progress".
While it's all well and good to create a third option for legacy-style avatar shapes that meet this non-binary avatar need, the Senra mesh bodies are similarly 'very binary'.
In trying different shapes while using the Senra bodies, certain sex-specific 'secondary sex characteristics' (breasts, pecs, larger butt, large feet?, etc) seem to be non-changeable on the existing Senra Bodies.
It seems only reasonable therefore, that a third, more 'androgynous' body type be offered as well. Something with more lithe features, with the ability to have a flatter chest than Jamie, smaller feet than Blake, and more control over butt size either way.
Non-binary and gender non-conforming representation is important, and in a world where we can 'be anything we want to' such as Second Life, it almost seems essential.
This may also be a good companion to this feature request as well:
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River Vortex
Totally agree with this request! This might get more attention if it were in the correct category.
Sammy Huntsman
How about we call it a androgynous shape, and instead of making it only available for Senra avatars. We offer it in the actual Edit Appearance menu, as a third choice. So you have male female and androgynous. To that effect, we also need the ability to add breasts to men and have women actually flat chested in the edit appearance menu. Then to top it all off, the mouth nose and eyes, should be broken up more. To add further customization. So bottom lip, top lip, etc.
Cutie Crush
Sammy Huntsman that's already been suggested, accepted, and marked as 'in progress', see the first line.
This suggestion is specifically about the Senra mesh bodies.
Sammy Huntsman
Cutie Crush Oh okay, sorry my bad.