Increase hover amount (previously accepted by Spidey Linden)
Gabryel Nyoki
This request had been accepted by Spidey Linden here but we believe it was forgotten when this feedback repository was created. Initially we requested it from Firestorm and Beq Janus followed up to LL here:
Jnakagawa and I have a couple hundreds of LGBTQ+ customers that have 2 very tall avatars eager to have this feature implemented since that time.
The system is called Paragon Couples HUD and we hope we can include this community and their avatar height preferences in our reliable no pose balls HUD used by a couple thousands.
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McCoyPauly Resident
please address this, being able to adjust tall avatars for dancing is crucial for those of us with taller avatars, having to specifically make special smaller shapes is frustrating
Monger Lionheart
Please fix this!!!
Kyle Marques
Don't forget about this
Sorceri Resident
With much respect..... Please, please, please make these changes soon! <3
Klarke Paine
Make the change please,
whisper Speculaas
We , definitely, need this!! I need more options! I am taller than average also.
Maryline007 Resident
Please make this change we need it
MeggoCali Resident
yes please definitely need this change asap
Arwen Daviau
YES PLEASE!!!! Implement this change!
lordtalian Resident
The average size of avatars does not seem to apply to anyone on SL, have you ever gone to a few clubs, the height changes for every new venue you hit and then some it is a mix and match of heights, I know I stick to an average human height at 5 1/2 feet but average on SL is 8 foot some, we need help not just for the big but the SL midgets like me .... which is the RL norm!
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