Exclude from people search profiles not having connected to SL for over a year
Woolfyy Resident
and simply reactivate those profile on search list when they connect. It is the easiest way to clean up long lists of profiles of which none is no more on SL while bringing a better visibility on those who are making SL still be alive.
Log In
Dictatorshop Resident
I like the idea, so long as it is an optional part of the search and not a default.
I would also say that this would be a useful thing in the marketplace. I do not necessarily want to buy something from a creator who hasn't logged in in 6 months to a year, what if I need support?
Linn Darkwatch
I would strongly oppose this if it's just added by default. Sometimes I want to check profiles of people who haven't logged in for a while for one reason and another. Not if it were an OPTION we could toggle, I'd totally be behind it. But not something set for everyone with no choice in the matter.
DolCute Resident
DolCute Resident
Waiting still on my second request te be back in SL, a lot of money was involved en throw you away without fair point. DolCute Resident
Spidey Linden
Issue tracked. We have no estimate when it may be implemented. Please see future updates here.
Spidey Linden
Merged in a post:
Option to exclude empty profiles from searches
Akira Mistwood
Current "people" search results contain too many empty, seemingly inactive, profiles
Celestine Ghiardie
This, it would be helpful in friends lists too. But please make it an optional filter. I have dear friends who died but still have a profile page. I know the page will never change, still at times I visit them just to "be with them" for a little while.
Bavid Dailey
Empty means what precisely ?
Bavid Dailey
Better yet make it an optional filter 'Last active within" and alowing entering a number of weeks, or a menu with a sliding scale [1 week, 1 month, ....]
Woolfyy Resident
Bavid Dailey Simply on / off is largely enough, setting filter ON by default. Knowing that 1 week or 1 month is not relevant as for knowing if someone is still onboard or not.
BTW the same should apply to groups (with no ON / OFF in that case) when i see groups with thousands of members of which most of them don't even have payment activated ... Otherwise it means that SL is simply promoting groups with fake members.
Jennifer Boyle
Bavid Dailey, Better yet, let me fill in a number and pick days, weeks, months, or years from a list.
Nya Jules
Bavid Dailey There are existing ways to find out how active an account is. Those are existing privacy flaws that can't really be fixed. Showing with a simple click if an account has been active within the past week, month, year etc. interferes with a resident's privacy as well. The benefit in exchange for removing privacy would be cleaner search results. In my opinion that's not a valid enough reason.
Skyler Pancake
I had a moment of panic when I thought about not being able to search for people who I knew and lost touch with or friends who have accounts they've moved on from but still hold vital memories.
I do think this is a good idea as an optional trigger though, but don't know if filtering is ideal. Doing the time filtering might be more practical for groups though? The 50 person limitation in group member list is... Annoying. If instead groups showed those who were active within x amount of time, that'd be far more ideal.