Mouselook Button
SarahKB7 Koskinen
SL Viewer lost it's Mouselook toolbar button when SL Viewer 2 was introduced in February 2010. Ever since, Mouselook has been buried within the Camera HUD Window.
But to use this requires a two-step two-click process which then partially obscures the viewer screen with an unnecessary Camera HUD window - which is undesirable and inconvienient.
However, the Mouselook button has been kept as a separate individual Toolbar Button option by almost all other current Third Party viewers.
Request: Please make Mouselook more obvious and easier to use with a single button click by reintroducing a Mouselook button as a separate and movable Toolbar Button option.
If reintroduced, this should not affect the existing Mouselook button hidden in the Camera HUD Window, which could also be retained there as a secondary button for those already familar and comfortable with its presence there.
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primerib1 Resident
Can't you just use the "M" keyboard shortcut?