Create a LL group inworld for project zero support.
in progress
Snowlord Resident
please make a Linden Lab created support group inworld for project zero and project FS zero, users are currently asking in Firestorm support and being sent to Philips group and we/they don't have the answers. the feedback site is not instant so that won't help those asking important questions if they can't sign in or how the time, logs, settings work.
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Snowlord Resident
Thank you Sntax for creating the inworld group. for others that can be found by searching the full group name: "SL Firestorm Zero Feedback and Help"
Anya Daligdig
I support this strongly. i have an issue with being unable to get SL Zero to go full screen. I wound up putting in a support ticket to LL with no appropriate category.
in progress
Working on starting a LL group in world for project zero support.
SpiritSparrow Skydancer
Why it has not worked in several weeks for me.. now you have to buy time, which none is available?
Thern Lorefield
SpiritSparrow Skydancer Buying time is only if you want Zero to be Firestorm Viewer flavored instead of default Second Life viewer flavored.
Laynie Link
Yes please!! People need support for the viewer! :D
Warthog Jun
Love to volunteer for whatever comes of this.