Since client side scripting is being explored and developed I thought I'd express my personal desire to not only expose 'get' and 'set' of client state via script, but also the ability to 'restrict' certain actions
For example, for certain types of games, the ability to restrict seeing other players on the minimap would be a useful gameplay mechanic. But the problem is if we only have 'get' and 'set', whilst our lua script might hide the map, another script could then show it again or the player could just open it again themselves.
The ability to set constraints would therefor be useful. The constraints could be tied to an attachment assuming we can run lua scripts on avatars in inworld objects such that the constraint releases when the attachment is removed. Other lua scripts would not be able to remove the constraint if that makes sense - so we can be sure the user is not cheating the game.
examples of useful constraints might be
  • disallow flight
  • radar/minimap don't show avatars nearby
  • max alt cam distance
  • max draw distance (think skyboxes)