Making our own MMORPG UI
Extrude Ragu
I've got a soft spot for MMORPG UI and would like to be able to client side script custom RPG UI with my own theme and style. I'd want a great deal of artistic control over how the UI looked and also be able to do hover effects and other things that feel 'native' that standard huds just can't provide.
I'd want to do a chat replacement in rpg style, We'd probably need some way to do text input UI and maybe also let us send stuff into local chat from said input/receive local chat in the client side script? I suppose lsl scripts could act as local chat relays though.
It would be cool to essentially just temporarily get rid of the entire SecondLife UI during a game and replace it with a totally different game specific one, although this would probably need some clear easy way out for the user.
I am not sure how something like this would best be implemented. I am simply stating the desired goal for now, and not presenting a solution. This is just food for thought.
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Coaldust Numbers
I believe what you are asking for is, more or less, "a canvas widget". That would let you draw whatever you want on a rectangle of pixels and receive keyboard and mouse input to it. If so, I agree.
That is why I am upvoting this request.
Artemis Nightingale
This will be very useful for far more than just for MMORPG UIs. This will be useful for practically every HUD we regularly use and allow for so much more flexibility on top.
- Native client real time compasses for sailing, exploring, etc.
- "Augmented reality" overlays with POIs/hints/tips.
- Combat HUDs for use with combat 2.0
- Real time mini games with fluid gameplay and animation. Tetris, Tamagotchi, etc.
Crush Cutie
if client side scripting can't do this, there is no point to having it at all.
Bleuhazenfurfle Resident
Crush Cutie: I'm not sure I'd go
that far, but almost…As I muttered in another post; in addition to the ability to create amazing UI's, Lua is also perfectly placed to be a companion to LSL for tasks that would benefit from lower latency like vehicle control input filtering (the lua script intercepts the inputs, does the necessary processing, and forwards on a single message with just the relevant information in a form most suitable to the script), tasks that require more memory than the sim could ever hope to give a script (eg. rendering to a local texture that can be applied to a HUD), and so forth. Even if it's restricted to attachments for the time being (and maybe let active land experiences run a free-floating script, also).
What I
want to see, is every single creator pushing their own "lua bridge" plugin, using various nasty tricks to work around the "lua is not just client-side lsl" thing (keeping in mind we've been working around limitations in LSL since day one — this will be no different — and the comment about automation pretty much guarantees the wall is already broken).