Allow Closing/Muting a Group's Chat
Galaxy Littlepaws
It can be annoying to have many group chats going off all the time. Someone may want to focus on a certain one, or even only local chat. The ability to leave or mute a group's chat for a while would be helpful in such cases. Some group chats get really spammy, but the Resident will still want to be in the group for other reasons (gifts, notices, access to events, etc).
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Nikole Messmer
this might be THE most annoying thing about the mobile app. please fix this. even if we can't opt-out of group chats - we should at least be able to close/exit a chat (individual or group).
Journey Bunny
Yes! In the viewer, if I've left it logged in for a while, the list of chats gets pretty long, but it's never a problem because:
- I can either close/re-open the viewer and I have no chats in my list until messages begin to arrive
- I can close any open chats that haven't been active for a while
But in the mobile viewer, every single chat with a resident or group that I've ever had is listed, and as I use the viewer more, that list is getting ridiculously long.
Bridie Linden
Merged in a post:
Group chat snooze or dismiss
xaka Chayoo
sometimes group chat can be annoying, is it possible to make it so swipe left on group name snoozes for 5 min and swipe right dismisses for the duration of the session, please?
Bridie Linden
Merged in a post:
Cannot close group IMs
RSquared Bloodstone
On mobile viewer cannot close group IMs resulting in unnecessary notifications.
Bridie Linden
Merged in a post:
Unable to clear chats in new mobile app
Spiderrella Melnitz
Cannot clear out group or private chats in the new mobile app
SL Feedback
Merged in a post from Shadow Siamendes:
Title: Needs a way to close group chats
Details: It can get really annoying getting notifications about a group chat you might not be interested at a certain moment, currently there is no way to ignore/close it other than turning off all notifications.
Ami Thibedeau
There are 3 check boxes: Show in profile, Turn off Notices, Turn off chat. Is this what you want to do?
Ardy Lay
Ami Thibedeau, where do you see "Turn off chat?" I don't see it.
Ami Thibedeau
Ardy Lay I use the Firestorm viewer and there is a 3rd Box to mute group chat. Actually the check boxes are "allow" so you wouldn't check the 3rd box.
Ardy Lay
Ami Thibedeau, that is your prerogative, however, this feature request is for Linden Lab's Second Life Viewer and my vote stands. The fact that some third-party viewers have this feature and that some people find this feature useful might help our request. Thanks for that.
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