I'm wondering why my surroundings & avatar are still black or semi invisible. How much longer must I wait for it to load? It would be ideal to have a loading bar, see our ping, Wi-Fi/LTE signal is weak/strong would be helpful. This way we know it's our connection and not the mobile app. The less negative reviews, the better. In Australia, our ping is usually around 200ms, so I don't expect it to be quick. What about a "check connection" button? It could display your ping, signal strength and a speed test would be brilliant. Q – Why does my avatar keep turning alpha/black? I'm using the Legacy Athletic Meshbody and LeLUTKA Eon Head. Q – How come PBR objects are white? At my store, I have items on display on the left (non-PBR) and on the right (with PBR). Why are they white? I thought PBR was supported. Q – Why can’t we undeform? Sometimes I change outfits and end up looking like a giraffe. Q – How do I disable group chat? I find it very distracting. I prefer to have IMs and group notices only. Q – Why can't I open the Linden Home front doors? I relogged, and it works for other doors. I made sure not to touch the door window/blinds. Q – How do I edit? For example, I want to find out the name of the Linden house I’m using. If we can't yet, could we at least have a way of knowing what an object is called. Request – Can we please have a mini-map? I need this open at all times on all viewers. It's a must. It gives us a reason to walk in certain directions to speak with other residents. I feel lost without it. ----------- I just opened a bedroom door in my Linden Home, and now I have a spinning white box surrounding my body. How weird! LOL. My LL House is LH Newbrooke – Gatewood – 512 Samsung Galaxy S24 Plus International Loving the new improvement. Keep up the great job! See attached image.