Avatar to turn on itself
xaka Chayoo
Maybe I missed it, trying to turn my avatar towards someone is only possible by moving towards the person, into the person in this case, trying to establish some distance, back gets turned to the other person because I have to walk away. Also teleporting was not possible, always says destination is not available. Just tried it a couple of minutes, maybe later will try it again at some point in time.
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Bridie Linden
Pluto Linden
Hi xaka! This is great feedback and definitely something we want to get addressed soon. Thank you for taking the time to share it with us!
At the moment, we are still focused on some of the challenges with getting basic movement to work as well as it possibly can, and that's a lot of work, but once we have that solid, we will definitely turn our attention to finer-grained control of avatars and this need that you've found to pivot your avatar to face in the direction you want without walking will most likely be a part of that. Thanks, and stay tuned!