Solve the problem of a farm of bots in Triphosa Region
Radioactive Rosca
For several weeks, a identified resident is keeping a "farm of bots" at he's land, "Family swimming pool", 3600 meters high, Triphosa Region (in a little 2560 m2 plot), the region is permanently full (40 bot). It's impossible to travel with a SLRR train or even a car, as it's impossible to enter the region. Many residents, including myself, already reported the resident, but the bot farm still is there, using all resources of that region. I think that it's against TOS/CS. I also opened support ticket 2301074 with no answer till now.
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Radioactive Rosca
March 2025: The region keeps blocked by a resident with he's 40 bots! The Lab Governance does nothing!
Caroly Rossini
The place is exactly what it seems, I first sent a report months ago due to the excessive number of avatars per square meter that exceeds the limit established in the Linden region regulations. There was no change, so looking a little closer I saw the child avatars with adult items attached in a "family" pool environment and no public chat (very convenient) with more than 30 accounts gathered around this pool.
Prushka Blue
I had a peek into that parcel few months ago and it also seems to be re-purposed as a child-play meet up spot. A lot of questionably young avatars in provocative clothing.
Rizzy Khaos
"Family" swimming pool.
Used to be a nudist swimming pool
That whole parcel is sus if you ask me