Link Camera Decoupling

Infrared Starlight
There is a little bit of an oversight with the vehicle flags; you can do VEHICLE_FLAG_CAMERA_DECOUPLED specifically
VEHICLE_FLAG_MOUSELOOK_STEER/BANK, but you cannot use that functionality without also declaring those flags. There are many circumstances wherein you would desire this behaviour: tanks, helicopters (probably), mechs, and any other circumstance wherein the user would not want the camera to be affected by rotation. It would additionally be nice if instead of affecting all
links, it would be able to be set per
link.For example, a helicopter pilot might want the coupled behaviour to affect them, so that they may fly in relative motion as normally expected by MOUSELOOK_STEER. However, a gunner might want the decoupled behaviour so that they may accurately track a target, effectively adding a form of "gyrostabilization" by way of not externally influencing their point of aim.
Therefore, I propose a primitive parameter for this purpose: LINK_CAMERA_DECOUPLE, or something like that, with a boolean value.
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Spidey Linden
Issue tracked. We have no estimate when it may be implemented. Please see future updates here.

Nexii Malthus
I've also got a personal desire to be able to set the rotation used for the decoupled camera for my own project at Vertical Sim.
In my case I specialise in vehicles that can go on walls and outside of that have also even created upside down walking mechs but being able to specify the base rotation from zero rotation to a custom orientation while allowing decoupling would be cool.
This could work in the proposal by instead having the author specify a fixed rotation to use for the camera orientation. (Which may later be updated dynamically when changing orientations)
Also, while speaking of vehicle decoupled mouselook camera, there is also a frequently requested feature to be able to reposition the mouselook eye position for vehicles.
It would be great if we could re-use llSetCameraAtOffset and have a flag to have the mouselook camera positioned at that camera offset (currently only third person) instead of at the avatars head/eye.
The usecase would be for example to reposition the decoupled mouselook camera as a third person view. This could be used for tanks where the turret would aim where the user points. Some vehicles such as IFVs or APCs have tiny remote controlled guns which are too small to fit an avatars head (it would stick out obnoxiously), so an offset decoupled mouselook camera would help there too.

Leviathan Linden
I'm reopening this issue. It was misidentified as a duplicate of this one: