llAutopilotTo(vector position)
Extrude Ragu
The simulator has a built in function to 'autopilot' avatars to a given position, which many viewers implement. It allows an avatar to walk to a location without the user having to actively control the viewer.
I think it would be nice to expose this functionality to scripts. It would be useful for wayfinding systems where a user is likely to get lost, freeing their hands to spend time looking around and orienting themselves. It would also make things like long walks with friends possible, as instead of needing our hands to control our avatar, we can be walking and talking on a set path.
Since the functionality already exists server side and is battle tested by clients I imagine it can't be that big of a jump to add a script function to call it. Perhaps put it behind a permission such as PERMISSION_TAKE_CONTROLS to avoid abuse.
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Spidey Linden
Issue tracked. We have no estimate when it may be implemented. Please see future updates here.
Pazako Karu
Most vehicle functions can apply to avatars when attached, have you tested llCreateCharacter? This function may already exist if that works - although it does require NavMesh, so they must be on ground level, not in a skybox.
If this does already allow shoving an avatar around like an NPC, Id prefer skyboxes to work as NavMeshin some way, be it by sim control, defining by script, or by an object.