This starts as a necropost in the scripting forums: OP asserts that until about two weeks ago (call it late January), queries following the unsupported Search API wiki page ( broke. So this may be a breakage issue, an enhancement issue, or an unsupported API matter.
Investigation reveals two things about current LSL HTTP support:
* Cookie data is not honored in any fashion.
* Search web service generates an infinite redirect loop if correct cookie data isn't provided.
This proceeds on the assumption that some attention is needed. One additional item: the command-line versions of 'curl' differ in their support of cookies. The linux 7.64.0 version behaves as our LSL support does dropping all cookie data and demonstrates the infinite redirect loop. The cygwin 7.66.0 version implements some level of ephemeral cooked support by default and gets a proper response after 6-7 redirects.
Some quick hackery with CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE and doubling the redirection limit results in functioning requests to the Search API, as unfriendly as it is to scripting.
Finally, the curl error around this (code 47) isn't reported in the extended error body when this option is selected. It appears that most of the curl-specific errors supply no additional information beyond the final 499 status code. Those could all use some kind of representation where information security isn't a factor.