NEW LSL llSetLinkMaterialAnim(integer Link_number,Integer Face, integer Mode_Flags, List Base_Color_Rules, List Metallic_Rules, List Normal_Rules, List Emission_Rules);
dantia Gothly
Add a new method for material animation.
This function would allow for independent channel animation on different faces of the same link or faces throughout a linkset.
Rules for a material channel override containing an empty list are not animated.
New/Improved Mode Flags:
ANIM_ON: Starts the animation.
LOOP: Repeats the animation indefinitely.
REVERSE: Plays the animation backward.
PING_PONG: Alternates between forward and backward animation.
SMOOTH: Provides smoother transitions between frames.
ROTATE: Rotates the texture map (e.g., for rotating textures).
SCALE: Animates texture scaling.
BLEND: Cross-fades between frames for smoother transitions.
RANDOM_START: Randomizes the start frame in the animation sequence.
SYNC_ALL_LINKS: Synchronizes animations across all linked objects.
SYNC_CHANNELS: Synchronizes animation material channels. ie base, metallic, normal, emission.
FRAME_BLEND: Allows frame blending (interpolation between frames).
The material rules would contain the following:
string material_UUID: Defines the texture asset to be used for the material.
integer size_x: Defines the grid size (for sprite sheet-based animations or texture tiling).
integer size_y: Defines the grid size (for sprite sheet-based animations or texture tiling).
float start: Start position in the animation cycle.
float length: Length of the animation cycle.
float rate: Speed of the animation.
float transition_time: Optional parameter for smooth transitions between frames.
Example Useage:
// Define mode flags
integer mode_flags_face_0 = ANIM_ON | LOOP | SMOOTH | SCALE;
integer mode_flags_face_1 = ANIM_ON | LOOP | REVERSE | PING_PONG;
integer mode_flags_face_2 = ANIM_ON | LOOP | SMOOTH | ROTATE | FRAME_BLEND;
// Animation rules for face 0 (Base Color, Metallic, Normal, Emission)
list base_color_rules_face_0 = ["UUID-of-BaseColor-Texture", 4, 4, 0.0, 1.0, 0.5];
list metallic_rules_face_0 = ["UUID-of-Metallic-Texture", 2, 2, 0.0, 1.0, 0.8];
list normal_rules_face_0 = ["UUID-of-Normal-Texture", 3, 3, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0];
list emission_rules_face_0 = ["UUID-of-Emission-Texture", 4, 4, 0.0, 1.0, 1.2];
// Animation rules for face 1 (Base Color, Metallic, Normal, Emission)
list base_color_rules_face_1 = ["UUID-of-BaseColor-Texture2", 3, 3, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0];
list metallic_rules_face_1 = ["UUID-of-Metallic-Texture2", 3, 3, 0.0, 0.5, 0.5];
list normal_rules_face_1 = ["UUID-of-Normal-Texture2", 3, 3, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0];
list emission_rules_face_1 = ["UUID-of-Emission-Texture2", 3, 3, 0.0, 0.8, 1.2];
// Animation rules for face 2 (Base Color, Metallic, Normal, Emission)
list base_color_rules_face_2 = ["UUID-of-BaseColor-Texture3", 5, 5, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0];
list metallic_rules_face_2 = ["UUID-of-Metallic-Texture3", 5, 5, 0.0, 1.0, 1.5];
list normal_rules_face_2 = ["UUID-of-Normal-Texture3", 5, 5, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0];
list emission_rules_face_2 = ["UUID-of-Emission-Texture3", 5, 5, 0.0, 1.0, 1.2];
// Set animations for face 0
llSetLinkMaterialAnim(2, 0, mode_flags_face_0, base_color_rules_face_0, metallic_rules_face_0, normal_rules_face_0, emission_rules_face_0);
// Set animations for face 1
llSetLinkMaterialAnim(2, 1, mode_flags_face_1, base_color_rules_face_1, metallic_rules_face_1, normal_rules_face_1, emission_rules_face_1);
// Set animations for face 2
llSetLinkMaterialAnim(2, 2, mode_flags_face_2, base_color_rules_face_2, metallic_rules_face_2, normal_rules_face_2, emission_rules_face_2);
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WolfGang Senizen
I suspect that having a seperate list for each texture of a material will be problematic, espcially if/when new ones are added.
Atleast in lsl it would probably be best to implement this with a target like functionality. (a bit like
except maybe a bitfield)Somethign like.
With the option for
This would leave the function much more futureproof, and make specifying the same rules for all (the simplest case), much less repetitive.
Spidey Linden
Issue tracked. We have no estimate when it may be implemented. Please see future updates here.