Please add derender objects to LL viewer
deesue Parx
I often switch back and forth between Firestorm and LL Viewer when helping customers with issues. I have found ways to be comfortable with either viewer BUT the limitation on LL viewer to not be able to derender a neighbor's way too low sky platform, a surround box that blocks my view of the water, or a random chair hanging in mid-air is very limiting. It seems a small thing but can make a huge difference when wanting to be comfortable on one's own mainland plot.
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g13n Resident
I completely agree with having this feature. It’s surprising it hasn’t been in the official viewer all this time. When renting on mainland, you’re often surrounded by large skyboxes and objects that block your view. It would be so helpful to right-click and “derender” or “blacklist” like in Firestorm.
I’ve rented many private lands, and I’ve lost count of how many neighbours placed low skyboxes or massive, ugly builds that can be seen past your privacy walls. It’s an eyesore! What are you supposed to do? Ask them to change it? Of course not. You either deal with it or move land. Not everyone can afford full regions, so many of us are stuck with smaller parcels.
We come to Second Life for peaceful entertainment, not frustration and disappointment. You spend hours landscaping, then next week a neighbour rezzes a huge vampire castle that clashes with your theme. You’re stuck with it. For those who disagree, I hope this happens to you one day, so you’ll understand the frustration many face when using the official viewer.
I made a post about this before, and it got removed, so good luck! This is exactly why I refuse to use the official viewer. It’s a shame, considering I enjoyed the new web browser experience.
Please consider it LL. It wouldn’t affect anyone else, but improve everyone’s experience. It could be an advanced menu option so people don’t accidentally blacklist important objects, also I don't understand the privacy concern since you can set your parcel to private, this is why we have them parcel settings in place, for privacy.
g13n Resident
--------- I would like to address something important --- Please read LL.
Let’s take this as an example: when I first rented a place nearby at the beginning of 2024, I came across this large textured prim. I reported it twice through the viewer to your abuse team, but of course, nothing has been done about it. See:
Location - - You need your draw distance on at least 180.
I don’t know these people, but I can’t imagine anyone would want to see such a thing, especially if the anti-grief rock doesn’t rez. It’s frustrating to think that the issue could persist for another year without being resolved. Over my time in Second Life, I’ve reported countless issues, and none of them have ever been addressed. Now, I don’t even bother reporting things anymore because it feels like a waste of time when nothing ever gets done.
I just messaged the owner of the rock wall to ask how long that griefing image has been there, and they said many years! It’s unbelievable that nothing ever gets addressed. Does your abuse team even exist, LL? Who’s in charge of it? I’m honestly at a loss for words – I’m disgusted.
Prokofy Neva
g13n Resident I actually am not in support of having "derender" added to the SL viewer because I think it breaks the contiguous shared view, and the Lindens have tended to hew to this concept originated by Philip Linden, not to have derender.
I'd also like the Lindens to step up their game on ARs of material that really they should remove and CAN remove by their own discretion, even if they feel it does not "fit" the TOS. I think this particular grief photo -- a giant prim with a racist picture that rezzes first when everyone enters the sim -- should have been removed YEARS AGO -- that is, at least five or more years ago when a group of us who have been in that area long before and ever since AR'd it. It began when we requested that the person who put up a giant wall that blocked the view on four sims put "clear" on the outward side of it since his build was all up in the sky, the ground was only some trees, and walls do not help secure privacy in any event. Of course now he and others obsessed with giant walls could be turning OFF the option for "avatars can see me" and be INVISIBLE.
His response to my normal request and that of other rental agents and tenants in the area was to double down and put up that deliberately ugly grief photo. And there it has been ever since, despite numerous requests to him directly and AR tickets. I was forced to put up a forest wall to block it. "Derender" isn't an option when every new person coming into the sim has to see it as it rezzes first. Only then can they try to de-render it, working around the walls that I and others put up to block it (and incompletely because some of the land on one side is abandoned). This is "targeted behaviour intended to harass" and other AR categories also fit. I think in a society where hundreds of people put clear on the outward side of their walls (I always do) as they understand it is psychological or to create a walled garden effect, when one person resists this "because they can" AND puts up a grotesque photo, the Lindens need to act. When they don't, they undermine civil society and force people to abandon land (as some have done near this grief wall.
Prokofy Neva
g13n ResidentAs I said, I'd rather see LL step up more on removing obvious grief objects and encroachment objects than vote for "de-render". Because another reason why it is not a solution is because it's not one click on one object (such as the obnoxious photo we've discussed in this thread). Example: on another sim, someone bought what seemed like overpriced waterfront and put up a big ugly black box club. Why these types of "Snowcrash" black boxes can't be put in the sky is beyond me. But you couldn't just derender the box. Inside was all kids of BDSM furniture, disturbing photos, etc. etc. You would have to sit and de-rez individually each little thing. Who will do that? Well, some people will! Only to find that next week, the furniture and photos are changed, sending them back to their de-render sessions again. So it just isn't a total solution. The Lindens could create buttons that put fog or swirling Northern Lights or desert storms around your lot that would block everything -- and some stuff on glow would likely still shine through!
Evangeline Arcadia
Please please LL add derender object to LL Viewer. Using LL viewer seriously decreases my enjoyment of SL because of things like having to look at neighbours ugly structures. So I have to use a TP Viewer. But derender it has other hand uses too, e.g. taking photos. If Firestorm can do it, why can't LL?
Kristy Aurelia
In the Adult Content FAQ found here: how is one supposed to comply with "What does "behind closed doors" mean?" Requirement 3: "Enclose the area behind walls or other visual barriers." if people can just derender those barriers?
deesue Parx
Kristy Aurelia derender objects has been on the Firestorm Viewer all along and it works just fine. It only affects the persons view derendering the object .. not for all. And you DO understand that being behind walls or other visual barriers is a false image right? (there is this thing called camming that goes through walls) it why we also have the ability to set privacy in parcels and areas. We are asking for a simple means of removing a giant prim wall that unnecessarily blocks a view of water.. or a forgotten object ignored by an owner who may only live in the sky and not realize (or care) if its there.
Kristy Aurelia
deesue Parx Sure, but the TOS is written with the capabilities of LL viewer in mind, not Firestorm. Changes in functionality would require revisiting the guidelines. Also, you're not going to accidentally cam though a wall, that needs intention.
Consider this example, someone builds a boxy empty room, you decide that you don't like it and derender it, now you're back to an empty field. You come back the next day, and now it is full of adult content that you're exposed to, even though it was supposed to be hidden behind a wall.
To be honest, that part is just nitpicking, the real issue is breaking the shared experience - if everyone sees the world differently, what is even the point of a shared world? When a friend visits you, do you give them a list of things: "Here, derender all of these"? What about derendering demo 'watermarks' or people's clothes?
Also... If a neighbour's dog poops on your lawn, do you 'right click -> derender' it, or do you speak to the dog's owner to resolve the issue?
SL is supposed to be a social platform, and features like this contribute to it being less social. Have you tried walking around a shopping event? Where bunch of people ram straight into you because they're have 'render only friends' enabled? How about all the new people who try out SL and then ask "where is everyone?" Well... they're all in their own 'friends only, derender everything that's not mine' bubble.
RestrainedRaptor Resident
I definitely wouldn't ever use a viewer that doesn't have a derender/asset blacklist feature. There are way too many annoyances out there, particularly loud and obnoxious sounds.