Hello, my idea is not new, a few years ago I posted a feature request for a new scripting function in Jira.
My idea was a function with the following name:
llMarketplace(key id, integer listing, integer amount);
Example: llMarketplace(id, 21735495, payment);
The "id" is used for the customer key, the "number" is the last number of the marketplace listing like "https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/DS-Truth-or-Dare/21735495" and the "amount" for the payment.
This way we don't need separate databases like Casper & Co for listing possible redeliverys, because the Marketplace can already do this.
Perhaps this function could be extended to include a permission debit for the marketplace provision.
So it would not be necessary where the customer buys, on the marketplace or from a simple scripted vendor inworld, to get the same features in both cases.
sincerely yours