Send inworld sales to Marketplace
Daemonika Nightfire
Hello, my idea is not new, a few years ago I posted a feature request for a new scripting function in Jira.
My idea was a function with the following name:
llMarketplace(key id, integer listing, integer amount);
Example: llMarketplace(id, 21735495, payment);
The "id" is used for the customer key, the "number" is the last number of the marketplace listing like "" and the "amount" for the payment.
This way we don't need separate databases like Casper & Co for listing possible redeliverys, because the Marketplace can already do this.
Perhaps this function could be extended to include a permission debit for the marketplace provision.
So it would not be necessary where the customer buys, on the marketplace or from a simple scripted vendor inworld, to get the same features in both cases.
sincerely yours
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Spidey Linden
Issue tracked. We have no estimate when it may be implemented. Please see future updates here.
Daemonika Nightfire
Hi Woolfyy,
that's what I'm doing so far, my vendors can sell inworld and have a direct link to the right product on the marketplace. I also don't use web-based vendors because I don't want to be dependent on the accessibility of external servers. My idea benefits everyone who can't or doesn't want to open an external browser because they only have one monitor.
It would be a kind of service.
The redelivery option is the only thing that makes web-based vendors so popular. In this way, gigantic databases are created by users which are not only used for this service, but also for marketing purposes which must also be actively rejected.
sincerely yours
Woolfyy Resident
Personally i never used Capservend as you can simply make a script to have a touch on an object to direct your buyer to any marketplace page where he / she can buy it ....