I have an object that is intended to perform llManageEstateAccess actions when it has the permission and otherwise not. The object could be present anywhere, means it could be on mainland, on a private sim with estate access permission or a private sim without estate access permission.
How do I know if the object has the permission?
Currently I can silently check if the object is on mainland, so that scenario is sorted.
However, in order to check if the object has manage estate access permissions while located on a private sim a workaround is to perform an ESTATE_ACCESS_BANNED_AGENT_REMOVE request and see if that's true. But the issue is that it's not silent, the object owner gets notified. I also don't want to request PERMISSION_SILENT_ESTATE_MANAGEMENT since that's unnecessary if no manage estate access actions are ever performed (due to missing permissions) and also could be confusing to the end user.
I'd just like to call a function and get silently returned whether or not the object (object owner?) has manage estate access rights.
I apologize if something like that already exists and I've just missed it.