TextureAnimation for ParticleSystem
Vincent Nacon
Texture animation is a widely used technique in various games and virtual worlds. It allows for dynamic and visually appealing effects that can greatly enhance the immersive experience for users.
Enabling texture animation in the particle system, content creators would be able to create even more captivating and engaging environments.
llParticleSystem is already using list for its setting. So I suggest
[TEXTURE_ANIM, mode, sizex, sizey, start, length, rate]
to be added for that option.Log In
Talia Tokugawa
I know that this is not quite the same.. ((llSetTextureAnim Vs LLParcelMediaQuery))... But I have been doing some experiments with what is currently possible.
I've put a link to it on the llParticleSystems on the wiki as It's not exactly LSL related a lot of what I talked about but at the same time I've never seen this documented and if I were to go anywhere to look up information it would be the llParticleSystems page. The bulk of what I've done is all here:
I am quite involved with machinima and when what was said in the second paragraph. if It's machinima this would be a potential short-term solution. On the other hand, if it's for everyone at a location I doubt this would be a viable fix.
((I also "disputably" seriously break the limit on the number of particles that the Second Life Viewer is able to render and not just by a little. ;P ))
Vincent Nacon
Talia Tokugawa Yeah, had known about this a while back. It's neat and all, but there's no good and easy way to get more than one and seamlessly change the media every time you move into another parcel.
I've had thought about asking for MP4/AVI/WebM upload but when I heard about 2k texture upload, I figured that's more than enough to use with the current texture animation function.
Talia Tokugawa
Vincent Nacon Heheh Okay, Not sure how viable hosting video files is and with what evilness is done with just 1024 I would be a little worried about exactly what people would end up uploading.
Thinking about it... what would be REALLY nice... .shader support. Actually, I was planning on submiting something else for consideration.
(Yeah I acutally have a back log of feature requests.. Just need fleshing out)
Vincent Nacon
Talia Tokugawa Shader support has been talked around before a few times in SL's Discord. We basically agreed that it needed to be a node-based shader to prevent malice scripting, since there's a lot we can do with it without the safeguards in place. I feel that we need to let node shader be developed first before we can request some kind of attachment/assignment option to the particle system. Could be a long while before we could see this. The node shader could easily replace the glBlendFunc.
Jabadahut50 Resident
Would be nice if we could also get materials on the particles to really make them more useful for special effects. Also it'd be nice if we could set the rotation or even give random rotations on different axis' instead of ALWAYS facing the camera for further effect tricks.
Spidey Linden
Issue tracked. We have no estimate when it may be implemented. Please see future updates here.
dantia Gothly
It would also be really nice to define something like a start and and vector position for the emission.
nya Resident
This, and later a set of curves or similar (i.e. middle color/alpha/size) would make the current system a lot better.
Miles Doge
nya Resident: Seconded. Apart from the above mentioned, It would be nice to see some massive additions towards llParticleSystem() with even more features/options for it.
Even some kind of "PING_PONG" that allows a particle to alternate back and forth between its start and end (size/color/alpha) would be phenomenal!
Crush Cutie
Adding my vote, but not for this. I want a whole new particle system that includes this and many other features.