Samarra Sands
Well, I've tried a few times but I can't seem to log into it just has a circular icon going round and round.
Samarra Sands
My issue is with the web-based app on my computer, I see everything else on my computer browser screen just fine, just the new SL in browser text is microscopic and unreadable for me. I'll see if CTRL + works on your browser function and let you know. I will also try your suggestions if I can find the menus with the text being so tiny.
RestrainedRaptor Resident
On which page(s)?
Can you show a screenshot?
Have you tried using Ctrl+scrollwheel to zoom the page? (Ctrl+0 will reset the zoom level).
Samarra Sands
RestrainedRaptor Resident On the login, on the landing. No I didn't try the scrollwheel, I will try that and report back. Thanks for the reply!
Samarra Sands
RestrainedRaptor Resident Nope, still to small, here's a screenshot, I can't read anything on the screen, too small and scroll wheel just zooms my camera view (even holding down ctrl). As I said prior, login screen is the same, can't read the text tho by autopilot (being in SL for many years) I pretty much know what that says LOL
RestrainedRaptor Resident
Samarra Sands Ah, okay. You posted in the Web/Marketplace section but your issue is with the game's UI, not the website.
Open up preferences (CTRL+P)
go to > User Interface > 2D overlay
Adjust the UI Scaling slider