Hide Certain stores/items.
Diana Blakewell
As the title suggests I'd love an ability to hide/block certain creators and their items from showing in my search/feed.
I don't wanna see poopy butts, diapers, pissplay or whatever its called, animal genitalia. Don't wanna see children oriented items and their stores.
Sometimes i wish i can filter out a creator that spammed 4-5 pages of the same item just different colors when looking for something new.
I wish when searching for "Butt tattoo" i could block an item/store that showed me the entire lowerbody of a human being covered in excrement.
Please for the love of God consider that quality of life change.
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Ability to exclude an entire MP store from our search listings
Lucifera Morningstar
We all have dealt with clutter in the search results on the MP, with stuff we never would have otherwise actually searched for (whether from keyword stuffing or mis-labeling or whatnot). What I propose is kind of an opposite of the "favorite stores" list - add a "Never show me stuff from this store in my searches" list. If I know a store only sells no-copy stuff, or pre-mesh stuff, or has stuff of a category I'll never need or want but keeps showing up in search results, let me add that store to the list so its stuff never shows up again. (Prime example, one of my earliest searches back when I started SL simply used the search term "couch." Results: couch, sofa, couch, couch, sofa, lounge, nipple clamps (!), couch...)
Cutie Crush
In the meantime, try:
[ couch NOT storeihate NOT otherstoreihate NOT otherstore ]
You can also filter by the ✅ next to "Copy" on the lefthand sidebar.. to eliminate no-copy items.
Zia Underwood
good idea!
Juno06 Resident
Please LL make that a feature. I hate the guy which posts 300 audio hypnosis thingies in under two months. I want to block that guy so I never see that s*** again.
Soanos Pacer
Marketplace search does support Boolean operators NOT, AND, and OR. Just remember to enter them in uppercase followed by the keyword you wish to hide.
Also changing maturity rating level will help in some cases.
Merged in a post:
Content Filter and Blacklisting Marketplace Stores
Miro Fairelander
The Marketplace would be a much better experience if we could add filters/blacklists for content/tags we don't want to see, and/or blacklist specific individual stores to hide them from searches. When searching from a seemingly-normal keyword on Marketplace, due to a lack of filtering, sometimes you will suddenly be shown a lot of extreme content with little relevance to your actual search. One innocuous word (I think it was something like "mask" or similar) used to return pages of scat fetish content because there was a store by the name of that seemingly normal word. Another example is that bestiality content gets posted under the "furry" tag somewhat often.
In my opinion, choosing to see Adult content does not necessarily mean we want to see any and all extreme content, especially when it fills up an unrelated search and makes it harder to find what I'm looking for. And to be honest, it makes the Marketplace look bad, and makes it harder for creators who have Marketplace stores if searching can sometimes be an unpleasant experience.
It's not just about extreme fetish content, either. Unfortunately, there has also been a rise of Marketplace stores selling ripped mesh from 3rd party sites, or AI generated images. Currently we can't report or flagged the ripped mesh sellers as I believe the copyright holder has to flag it. So, at the very least, it would be nice if we could choose to blacklist these stores so our searches aren't full of blatantly stolen content.
I suggest either, or both of the following to be implemented:
- A user-specific global blacklist setting, where we can set which tag(s) to exclude from our searches.
- The ability to blacklist or hide individual stores, either through blocking the account that the store belongs to, or otherwise.
Cackle Amore
There's also those stores that just flood the marketplace with like a 100 singular colors for one item, or have names that are just a spam of tags and generic words and even worse is the recent flood of image generative filter spam and even regular stores using image generators to falsely advertise their products.
I would greatly like to blacklist those ones.
We have a favorites list for items and stores, we should have a blacklist version as well.
YooAlmazikooY Resident
Honestly, I read you and am amazed. What are you doing? What are you talking about? Your stores need to be blacklisted first so that you can feel the pain of loss firsthand. Stop saying stupid things. By doing this, you are not developing the marketplace, but are drowning even further in the swamp. Ban only those stores that violate market rules. There are already rules with violations. You are burdening the LL with already overloaded work and stupid information. This game is for adults. There are already rules. Just follow and don't break and everything will be fine. I've read a lot of generated tickets and not a single one that's really useful yet. Everything is some kind of muddy water) People, don’t you have anything to do? Go to nature, stretch your brain and breathe some air, maybe some useful ideas will come to your mind.
Miro Fairelander
YooAlmazikooY Resident Did you even read the examples I have given? None of this content is against TOS. Extreme fetish content such as scat play, bestiality, and even "race play" (sexualized racism) is allowed as far as I know, since it's always been on SL. AI generated content is not disallowed, but is disliked by many since it's cheap looking, and although ripped mesh is against TOS, the average user CANNOT report it, as I've already stated. Only the copyright holder can report ripped mesh, and considering most ripped models come from videogames, the copyright holders are often unaware of the violation and thus this content stays up.
This game is for adults, yes, which is exactly why we should behave like adults. We have the right to choose what we do and don't want to see. If it "hurts" to have the possibility of your store blacklisted then I suggest you ask yourself why you immediately jumped to the conclusion that your store would be blacklisted. If you care about being hidden (which, you really shouldn't - other people's preferences do not affect you & it's impossible to please everyone) then simply don't post extreme and offputting content and you probably won't have that issue.
Filtering and being able to curate our experience would make SL a better experience for all & would make LL look good, especially with the recent talk about ageplay. It'd also make the MP look more modern and appealing if we could choose to stop seeing AI slop and model rips.
Anna Timmerman
Miro Fairelander Don't reply to his/her comments, she/he spends her days writing obnoxious and rude comments on all posts in Feedback. I wish there was a flag/report option for comments like this. Just ignore and don't let it get to you ♥
Devilgrey Resident
a way to label ai-generated/enhanced mp listings may be useful for filtering content too.
Maybe work similar to tumblr where others can mark listings as ai if the seller using ai didn’t label it. The ai-label could work as a way to filter that type of content out too. Tumblr does a similar thing with mature content labels: other users can mark content as mature if the op didn’t do it, then tumblr verifies if it needs the mature label or not. Tumblr Users can chose to filter out mature-labeled content too. Deviantart despite becoming trash, at least the site created a ai-content filter too for ppl who don’t want to see it, and users have the ability to mark their posts as ai-generated too.
xaka Chayoo
It sounds nice, however, I think it is not doable, the amount of resources (human and technical) needed would make it impossible. A specific market browser would have to be created and than the amount of data and concerns for privacy (plus creating vector points to attack MP), again impossible. So, no solution? Not at all,
- 1st, move the button to not see limited quantities up.
- 2nd, create a new additional maturity filter level, then being, General, Mature, Adult, Adult+. Make the boundaries between levels of maturity more defined.
- 3rd, make it so re entering the password again is necessary to access adult+.
- 4th, we must remember how this data flux will affect the upcoming mobile users, and their privacy.
- 5th, we the users are the best filter, flag items in the wrong maturity level.
This would alleviate the matter some.
Now to the tags and stolen content.
Tags are not a guarantee that items will be placed at the right level or sorted correctly, there are stores that have their Adult items show at the General maturity level, how so? They write Adult on the texture. Again, we users are the best filter, flag it or even submit a ticket. It is a hassle yes, we want it clean so yes we should help with the cleaning. Remember, Second Life is a world created by the users.
Stolen content,
There should be an option to flag items even if you are not the copyright holder, with a text field where one would input the presumed copyright holder's details.
DMCA in SL is terrible, there was a mesh head creator that every time a new head was launched, got hit with a DMCA, and than the reporter would come out with a similar head, DMCA should not remove immediately the items, should be given 3 working days at least, special circumstances should be warranted, there was a telescope maker that DMCA'd another telescope maker, the reporters telescope 14LI created after the telescope that got DMCA'd that had 7 LI, knew that the telescope maker hit with the DMCA was moving across the country and had advised her clients that she would be back in a months time, she got thrown out for not replying, and did not have the resources to fight it. So LL should really make it so that both parties submit their mesh files and see the date they were created, before forcing someone to have to engage a lawyer and whatnot. Obviously big companies should have a different treatment for their obvious RL copyright.
So how can LL really patrol the mesh and contents, they cannot, however they have people that are mesh experienced (they are creators too), these people could check the mesh brought illegally into SL, and render an opinion, these special people are the Moles.
- make it so the item can be flagged by anyone (not taken down immediately) and provide a text box to input the presumed copyright holder, so it can be checked.
-make it so that both parties in a DMCA can show to LL their artwork, mesh, etc., have people that know look at it, hold the money from sales of those items in escrow until a decision is made.
There is more but to much has been said already, maybe later.
Miro Fairelander
xaka Chayoo How would "adult+" fix anything? The issue is already that everything "adult" is thrown together, despite there being a huge difference between "vanilla" sexual content, and things like bestiality. Even more "extreme" adult content like gore props are not comparable to bestiality in my opinion, considering you can see 3D rendered gore in most M rated games, but you don't see bestiality in videogames for obvious reasons. But, if an "adult+" category was created I feel like gore, drug use, etc would be thrown under it as well, thus, not solving the problem. Want to go find horror props for your halloween sim? It's now harder to do so AND you have to see all the adult content again. Not really a solution, in my opinion.
xaka Chayoo
Miro FairelanderI didn't state it would be a solution, I said "alleviate". I trust LL will listen to users suggestions and let them help define contents in the maturity levels, anyhow it was a workable suggestion, I am nobody and as such just threw in my 2 cents, I don't expect a server for each user to be practical, just think (let us go low) if there are 10k queries at MP a day, all the variables times all the users, and users being able to change their mind from query to query, how much data and computer power would be needed. Let's propose workable solutions, and expect LL to let us help define them better.
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