10 years later, still no fallback if handover during TP fails
Ansariel Hiller
The issue I reported probably like 10 years ago still exists:
* Teleport to a new region
* Source region sends circuit info of destination region to viewer
* Viewer acknowledges circuit info being received
* Simulator of source region transfers agent to simulator of destination region
* Simulator of source region immediately closes circuit with agent's viewer
* If for some reason to connection to the simulator of the destionation region fails, the viewer has no connection to either the old simulator nor the new simulator and gets logged out after 60 seconds
The connection with the viewer must only be closed after the simulator of the destination region confirms the connection with the viewer has been established instead of relying on faith the handover will succeed without any problems.
Log In
IceCold Skytower
Is this also why mainland simcrossings result in an annoying log out sometimes?
and when it does that you dont even login at your last location, you login at your previous session's login location, and you lose all data saved on attachments too, essentially everything rolls back to the previous session's beginning
Beatrice Voxel
IceCold Skytower You are correct - teleport crashes not only fail to save data on attachments, but can also cause scripts in attachments to lock up, basically "bricking" the attachment. The Sunset Muscle League (SML) weightlifting HUD is particularly sensitive to teleport crashes, and since teleporting around the grid to different gyms is part of the SML "game", they advise players to detach the SML HUD before every teleport, and attach it again once you arrive, just to save your progress and not have to redeliver a new copy because the old one got corrupted.
Atlas Linden
Atlas Linden
Thanks Ansariel!
This has been imported here: https://github.com/secondlife/viewer/issues/3474
Whirly Fizzle
Original report here: https://github.com/secondlife/jira-archive/issues/13150