add a residents to the group ban list, viewer crash
Webbi Jonson
add someone to the group ban list the viewer crash i have testet many times and different regions and different groups where i am owner.
group then view info and then to roles & members and there to banned residents and after click the select button it crash
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Webbi Jonson
I'm still crashing with the Second Life Release (64bit). but with the Second Life Test (64bit) i don´t crash
NODNOL Jameson
It just happened to me as well. Group spammers join and leave the group in a second, we can't use the members list with them. I keep crashing while trying to add a ban manually with user name.
Atlas Linden
Atlas Linden
Thank you very much for the video Webbi!
Turns out we were banning via the Members tab under "Roles & Members" rather than the Banned Residents tab.
This issue is now tracked at Updates will be provided here or in future release notes.
Atlas Linden
Please note that it is still possible to ban residents from a group without crashing via the Members tab
Atlas Linden
under review
Atlas Linden
Hi Webbi,
We're having difficulty reproducing this issue. To clarify, are these the steps you're taking that's causing your crash?
- Open the Group info in the People floater
- Go to Roles & Members
- Select the user to be banned
- Click Ban Member(s)
- If a popup appears, click Ban
Do you have any other UI windows open when the crash occurs?
Webbi Jonson
Atlas Linden yes this way i mean. you mean other viewer windows open? or what you mean with other ui windows open? if youmean this then no. only the second life viewer ( Second Life Release (64bit) )
i have do a video of this. I hope it can be viewed.
Webbi Jonson
with other Third Party Viewer it works. only on the newest sl-viewer oh same chrash when i want someone to the estate ban same crash