Post a region restart, a random selection of objects with textures set to "Alpha masking" are suddenly set to "None" regardless of what type of restart just occurred, be it the weekly LL restart or a manual one. The object type, creator, owner, etc., does not matter, but what they all have in common is that they are objects with Alpha masking set on one or all of its textures. Only some are affected, not all, and it does not follow a pattern as to which objects are affected each week, it is random.
Post region restart, the affected texture(s) has to be flipped back to Alpha masking from None manually, but objects continue to experience this issue post each weekly restart with the object(s) affected being different each time. This has been ongoing for months.
Though sometimes it follows a specific texture UUID, group A of linked objects with the same texture UUID as group B of linked objects will be affected while group B is not. Other times, a group of entirely unlinked objects that share the same texture UUID will exhibit this behavior, furthering its randomness. This has become a weekly time investment in setting objects back to "Alpha masking" from "None" in a large region that has hundreds of grass and tree objects or we simply set them to "Alpha blending" so we do not have to monitor the issue any longer for that specific object, but the issue crops up with a different object each week, regardless.
I do not feel this is centric to our region alone as I have seen this in other regions where I have informed the region owner that certain items, e.g., trees, are suddenly set to an Alpha Mode of None and they have to set the texture(s) back to Alpha masking manually and had no idea why the issue occurred. Attached is an example of how these objects are found with their Alpha Mode set to None post region restart when prior to the restart they were set correctly to Alpha masking.