Atlasaurus on Mac : No stream audio
scriptorus Resident
I went to a popular dancing place, and i noticed the stream wouldn't start.
(it's possible it would refuse non secure (https) streams? but i didn't check the stream url or tried other sims). I might complete this observations after some more tests.
Also the performance is much better on this M2 Pro macbook, since the modifications made in llvertexbuffer, and other optimisations.
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Atlas Linden
Atlas Linden
under review
Atlas Linden
needs info
Atlas Linden
Atlas Linden
Thanks for reporting this, observeur!
This issue does appear to be reproducing on Mac using the Atlasaurus build.
scriptorus Resident
Atlas Linden you are welcome
Atlas Linden
Hi observeur,
Is this issue still occur for you on Atlasaurus?
We're having trouble reproducing it now.
And is it only parcel stream audio that is affected?
scriptorus Resident
Atlas Linden I will try in some other parcels (with atlasaurus). Alright, so i went to the same place as the other day, and the parcel streaming is working today. My 2 cents guess would be that it might depend on the stream url. I tried a few different sims today, and it's working fine. I checked on the streams urls and all where http://..... i try to find a parcel with some https://......... but so far no luck. It will be easier for you because i don't own a sim so i can't really test changing a stream.