Cant add Preview image to some folders while could add same image to other folders
Teqi Falta
this issue happens on some folders created by me before the Preview Image feature released.
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AAngel Braveheart
I have not seen this change image feature at all. I simple highlight the folder and right click, take an image live of myself wearing the outfit and it’s done, Ideal for a show dancer.
Atlas Linden
Hi Teqi,
Are you adding an image via Uploading from computer, taking a snapshot or choosing a texture? Or does the issue occur for you regardless of which option you select?
And just to confirm, the issue reproduces for you only for folders that were created before the inventory image preview feature was released? This was approximately July, 2023.
If so, for a quick potential workaround in the meantime, does renaming or copying the folder change the behaviour?
Teqi Falta
Atlas Linden
Hi Atlas,
based on your questions i tried all options, cannot upload from computer, taking snapshot not letting me add image, choosing a texture: its not adding texture.
Im not able to see when a folder was created but it seems old folders have this issue.
Of course if i copy a folder, it will be a new (created now) folder and can add preview image to any new folder i make now.
After renaming the folder its possible to add Preview image.
But i find it crazy too much work to rename all my old folders just to be able to add Preview image.
Dan Linden
Teqi Falta: What does it look like when it fails? Is the Preview not showing up when you hover over the folder immediately after you apply it, or does if fail to show the Preview the next time you log in?
Teqi Falta
Dan Linden i select the image and then nothing happens, not showing image in the preview window. cant even add the image.
Teqi Falta
Dan Linden i made gyazo:
Atlas Linden
Hi Teqi,
Can you try the following to see if the issue still occurs:
- Move the image you've selected to the root of your C: drive before uploading as preview image
- Copy the folder into another folder outside of #RLV. Does the issue repro on the newly copied folder?
Teqi Falta
Atlas Linden
Hi Atlas,
Happy New Year!
Tried to upload image from root of C: drive: Doesnt work.
Moving the folder out of RLV and trying to upload image from root of C: drive also doesnt work.
Copying the folder result in NEW FOLDER and as i said on newly created folders it works.
IM not able to copy thousand folders.
There is something wrong with old folders, not designed to use the Image Preview.