Directional Input Delays with latest PBR-Capable Viewers
Luke Carmona
Direcitonal inputs are noticably delayed and/or inconsistent in PBR viewers compared to non-PBR viewers, said delays being most noticeable when operating vehicles. Delays in inputs can result in key-presses that are longer than intended, or in some cases may result in no input being registered at all (the latter most notable again while operating a vehicle).
To test for the bug, it is recommended that the tester be proficient with vehicle operation, namely on the grounds of consistency, and that the tests be carried out on a closed circuit (and optionally one with a timing system).
Recommended testing locations:
LC Racing Circuits:
Free race-ready vehicles ideal for these tests are available at the landing points.
The bug has so far been tested and discovered in the official LL viewer, Firestorm viewer, and Alchemy viewer. It is yet to be known if it persists elsewhere, but is highly suspected of being the case.
(This issue currently threatens the existence of racing communities as it has become vastly more difficult to safely control their vehicles)
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Signal Linden
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Please return the driving physics as it was before.
Rydut Mildor
I noticed that with the introduction of PBR, the physics of bike driving has changed. The bikes became clumsy.
I made a video of what was happening. I record my drive in the Firestorm 6.6.17 (last version without PBR) and in the Firestorm 7.1.9 with PBR for comparison.
Also i tested in the SL viewer Second Life Release (64bit), everything is the same.
Video is here:
As you can see, the turning path has become much longer, which no longer allows cornering at speed.
It feels like the physical weight of the bike has become significantly higher.
With the new driving physics, control, stability and maneuverability have become significantly worse. Please return the driving physics as it was before.
Thank you!
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Rydut Mildor
Hello! I have good news! In the new version of Firestorm 9.1.10 I measured the frequency of control events and it was 450 control events per 10 sec. Just like it was in the Non-PBR viwers. I checked riding on my motobike, and all control is fine, as it was before. Therefore i can say, what this issule solved in the Firestorm 9.1.10. Great Thanks! And great thanks for all peoples, who voted this post!
Rydut Mildor
In the new version of Firestorm 9.1.10 I measured the frequency of control events and it was 450 control events per 10 sec. Just like it was in the Non-PBR viwers. I checked riding on my motobike, and all control is fine, as it was before. Therefore i can say, what this issule solved in the Firestorm 9.1.10. Great Thanks!
Alistar Snook
For those interested in this problem, Leviathan Linden fixed the input delays in his Game Control viewer project, that it's in pre-release version since this week (version 0.6.5). It was arleady tested and it works perfectly.
Hopefully viewer team will take care about this issue and merge those modifies soon as possible into the RC versions. Combat/racing communities are waiting about that impatiently, because currently it's a very hard problem for them.
Thanks to Leviathan for taking care about that!
Kinda Vile
This causes a lot of problems for people who do combat, racing, or just general driving or piloting anything. I use SL to create content that relies on a somewhat responsive experience with key presses. I do hope this is fixed soon.
animats Resident
I saw a strange related bug recently driving on one of those long tracks that spirals up. Lost sync on up arrow being held, so that the vehicle would not stop until I got off. Anyone else seen this?
Rydut Mildor
animats Resident, I think it was just a game lag, it happens, especially if there are a lot of people on that sim.
Brambleeyes Resident
Not gonna lie, the inputs are delayed and even a smidge of a bit affects it hugely, and I know it's not my end cause I tested it a million times and still do. PBR might be the biggest update graphically but it has affected a thousand people that are actually actively around doing something around SL besides sitting on a poseball all day. If there was two version's where pbr was not enabled for potato pc players that would be dope ngl
babyitsjb Resident
ummm pbr has input lag and the other firestorm doesnt have any honestly i def see the differnce
skinerd Skytower
Any update on this? Our football community is running into the massive input delay and it's affected our games, very noticeable between PBR and non-PBR viewers.
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