"Disable waiting for pre-jump and landing" setting not working
Kerry Kas
In Pony Play we have something called "Quick Jump" this is where you put a tick in the setting "Preferences > Move & View > Movement > Disable waiting for pre-jump and landing". As a ponygirl this is absolutely banned. However, I see the quick jump motion from time to time even though I don't have this option ticked. It usually happens if I'm doing a series of jumps in a row.
This occasional missing of the prejump and landing animations can be seen in SL Viewer, FireStorm viewer Kokua viewer and Alchemy viewer.
I see it least often when using the SL official viewer, however the fact that this occurrs in all viewers suggests it is a bug in the under lying code.
Observations in the Pony community suggests that this has got much more worse since the PBR update.
The time when it is seen is when you hold the jump key to do a series of jumps.
This bug has also been reported in Firestorm:
Videos have been made of the motion:
Not working as expected
Now working as expected
No change in preference were made during this test.
Video recorded using Firestorm
I repeat the same motion can be seeing using SL Viewer, Alchemy Viewer and Kokua Viewer.
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Kerry Kas
During further testing with Careless Whisper from the FS community, it has been found that the problem is linked to the AO.
The problem vanishes if you remove all scripted items and AO's. This is not a work around, unless we want a world filled with "duck waddling" Ruths, but it is an important discovery. This should help some techie to track down the thing that has changed.
Kerry Kas
New video uploaded showing the bug in LL's SecondLife Viewer.
prissypaw Aldrin
the second video shows what is known as a double jump and that has been happening ever since the move to cloud server system before it was a lot less prevelent unless you had realy bad connection, i have also made a post onthis issue, so they might be connected.
Kerry Kas
prissypaw Aldrin Perhaps. Just needs a coder to look into it. Currently we are only tracked......
dantia Gothly
what I find funny is we've been asking LL to fix this issue for over a decade. the feature to disable prejump was added back when the Emerald viewer was still around pre FS. multiple decade old JIRA tickets I'm sure stil exist on this issue and when the lindens are asked about these issues with the animation system it gets ignored. Trust me I've asked many times at the linden meetings in world.
Kerry Kas
dantia Gothly You're right, this issue exists in all viewers going back years. But the advent of the PBR viewer has made this issue much much worse. It's been suggested it's to do with the polling of the motion keys, not sure exactly what changed suffice to say, when no keys are pressed there is a much lower polling of them around 22/23Hz. Only when you press a button does it jump to 45Hz. But that theory doesn't correlate with differences in viewer versions, some are better than others. All I can tell you is it's now a big problem with the new PBR viewer.
Kerry Kas
I have begun making a spreadsheet on the quality of each viewer with regard to this bug.
I also note that there is a correlation between sim ping and this bug. It seems that someone with a 38ms sim ping does not experience this problem, however when you get to 100ms it becomes visible once more.
Kerry Kas
Whilst we wait for someone to look at this issue, we've been doing some monitoring of the different versions of FS that are coming out
Smokin Quack
Swenyia Chuwen
It is very friendly, that SL marked it as "tracked", thank you. But marking only doesn't solve a fundamental bug which effects a whole strong community.
Ponies are nice, friendly and patient but also competitive and determined.
Surely SL wants to avoid a Pony-Stampede and viciously raided apple-trees in SLs front yards , so please - dig into the problem and get it solved.
Kerry Kas
/me smiles and pets the excitable Pony. Don't get too excited Pony Swenyia, I'm sure the nice developers at Linden Lab have it all in hand and are just teasing you.
Kerry Kas
Having spent some time with another ponygirl, it does appear that some versions are particularly affected. 76493 seems to be pretty good and the bug does not show up so much, but 76720 is very very very bad for this bug.
Kerry Kas
Thank you for your feedback. I've just downloaded the latest Alpha version of Firestorm Viewer 75794 and it appears that the bug is no longer present in that version.
In discussing this in the FS Beta Tester group, it was suggested that the fix may have come from this bug:
Which has been addressed in 75794.
I don't know what code version the released SLV is in comparison to the released FSV or Alpha FSV, but this seems to be the route of the bug.
Looking forward to this version being released to the Pony community
Crexon Resident
Kerry Kas The current LL release viewer is few versions behind where the FA alpha is at now. I believe FS merged in the Maint-c build for their release. Alchemy is a behind it on Materials Featurettes which is what the LL release viewer is on.
If you wanted to test to see if this has been fixed you can try out the latest LL viewer build, Atlasaurus which the FS Alpha is running on (mostly)
If it has been fixed in Atlasaurus then it should make it way into all other third party viewers when they merge it.
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