Gesture save to outfit broken, lose all active gestures setup
needs info
ST33LDI9ITAL Resident
If I try to save multiple gestures to current outfit through the gesture window, it just disables them without populating the outfit with the gestures. It doesn't actually save or copy links to the outfit. Thus, end up losing the gesture setup.
I had this happen to me twice now, once before I realized what was happening and again when trying to figure out what happened. It takes HOURS to go through inventory, find, and set it all up/reenable again.
Also, the whole save to current outfit is not intuitive at all. Ideally, it should be "save to outfit" then have a popup allowing you to select what outfit you want to save the current selected(hilighted) or activated gestures to. This would allow you to easily make sets of gestures that can be applied to any outfit without having to mess around with what you are wearing or modding the outfit to remove unnecessary things since you can't apply an empty outfit after creating a blank one in order to even use save to current from the gesture window.
As far as whether to use selected (highlighted) or active gestures when saving, I'd say selected as it reduces steps to achieve the task, however there may be people that don't even realize you can select multiple using shift... so idk that's a toss up and ultimately should be a poll or something to figure out what people would prefer, or you could just have two options.. 1. save active gestures 2. save selected gestures.
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Dan Linden
needs info
Dan Linden
This seems to be half bug report, half feature request. I'll respond to the bug report part first.
I don't see the issue you describe. I open up Communicate > Gestures (ctrl-G), select one or more gestures, click the gear menu at the bottom and click Save to current outfit. That copies the gestures to the Current Outfit in my Inventory. To save the changes to my outfit, including the gestures that were just added, I open my outfit, Avatar > Now wearing (ctrl-O) then click the Save Changes button. The gestures are now added to the outfit folder.
Does that sequence of steps work for you too or do you get different results?
How many gestures are you adding to the outfit?
ST33LDI9ITAL Resident
Dan Linden
Sigh.. Ok, I'm at a loss. It's working as intended and can't seem to replicate the issue now. No idea.. I'm gonna mess with it some more a lil bit when I get time to though.
Another part of the issue I was having was when I manually dragged them into the outfit folder they just showed up as blank items... no name. And that seems ok now as well... so I really have no idea what happened.
Dan Linden
ST33LDI9ITAL Resident: Been there, many times. I'll leave this in Needs Info for a while in case it happens again.
ST33LDI9ITAL Resident
Dan Linden
Right on, thanks. I assume maybe just maintenance day quirk or something. Thought it a bit odd though that was having similar issues across two different viewers if it were something client side. Whatever the case it seemed to have resolved itself.
I still think having an option to save to a selected outfit directly without having to change to it or wear it would be a good thing though... I can make a separate topic for that.