Green Water
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Melody OwO
Clip the surface of Linden water on Mac, enable mirrors from advanced settings in Graphics or even through the performance/quality slider as you tip high enough for it to be enabled, watch "fun" green opaque water appear.
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Dan Linden
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Dan Linden
Hi Melody. If this issue is still happening with the release viewer, please tell us an exact location where it happens.
Whirly Fizzle
Melody OwO
Still existent on Atlasaurus I literally just slowly cam straight down through the ground with mirrors on and it turns green only as I near the waters' surface, just before I dip under. Not visible looking down upon the water or from underneath. Wendy Nitely is likely experiencing water tinted green from environment, not remotely the same shade either. May only be Mac, unsure.
Wendy Nitely
Experiencing green water also. Taken at midday light no EEP
Atlas Linden
needs info
Atlas Linden
Hi Melody OwO,
How are you able to clip the water with your camera? We're unable to perform this as our camera is only able to be above or below the surface and never show both at the same time.
Melody OwO
Atlas Linden control option shift down arrow and rotate up/down as needed to clip