Group Members # and searching not working.
needs info
Bubblez Crush
A few groups I manage are not showing the number of group members accurately overall and in roles. Searching for members you know are in the group and even verifying with them they still are aren't working either.
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Atlas Linden
needs info
Atlas Linden
Hi Bubblez,
A similar issue was reported regarding this (see below link) and has now been fixed in our latest ExtraFPS viewer:
Can you confirm if your issue still reproduces on this viewer?
Bubblez Crush
Atlas Linden - it is still an issue, yes. Does this need to be fixed within third partie viewers by their developmental team or? I mean I didn't confirm with SL viewer but I can if needed.
Atlas Linden
Bubblez Crush: The fix for the above issue is currently in the latest SL viewer but also in the FS beta. If you're able to try either of these out, please let us know if the issue reproduces.
Lisle Rossini
When I have seen similar situations I have always found that refreshing the group profile rectifies the problem.
Bubblez Crush
Lisle Rossini - Sometimes but not always - I am assuming this has to be fixed within 3rd parties viewers by them as well?