Land owners color
B0b Resident
- World > Show > Land Owners - regardless of type (e.g., group, for sale, etc.) all owners are colored red.
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Ikaros Alpha
Still not fixed. Reported just before Summer Stolstice. Now it's Yule.
Snowlord Resident
I would really love this to be fixed sooner than later. I noticed it still works as expected on the Firestorm V6 version which makes me curious to know what changed to make it stop functioning in recent viewer updates.
Curious Thespian
I came here looking to see if it had been reported. The odd thing is how inconsistent it is, some showing land for sale (it isn't) some showing I own land I don't own as owned. All most peculiar and across multiple server versions, release and RC.
Dan Linden
Dan Linden
Thank you for the report, Spike42!
Issue tracked. We have no estimate when it may be implemented. Please see future updates here.
Ikaros Alpha
(wrong observation, it doesn't work in Ferrari either, but just displays the other sims in a different color than ours).
Chorazin Allen
Dan Linden The breakage happened in 7.1.8. Still present in 7.1.10 DeltaFPS. In my case I see land consistently red when it should be coloured differently