llDetectedTouch* functions returns default data when used in MouseLook
Kyrah Abattoir
Most of the llDetectedTouch* functions appear to return default/invalid data when clicking an object in MouseLook.
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BeckHan Ra
Still not solved as of
Second Life Release (64bit)
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Kelly Shergood
Maestro. In https://github.com/secondlife/viewer/issues/1519 there is a recent post by LLGuru that the problem occurs on Agni, but not Aditi. Why would that be if it were a viewer issue?
Kelly Shergood
Looking forward to seeing the fix on this rolled out!
Maestro Linden
Hi Kyrah, thanks for the report. This is actually a viewer bug - it's sending incorrect data about touch UV etc. when in mouselook mode, which then is propagated through the llDetectedTouch* functions.
Kyrah Abattoir
Maestro Linden that's what I figured, now to wait for half a year until FS pulls the patch in.
Tesserra Resident
Maestro Linden But it happens on LL viewer too, or at least it did when I tested it not long after the PBR release
Maestro Linden
Tesserra Resident: Correct, the fix for this bug wouldn't be in the current release viewer. Looking at the viewer#1519 github issue Kelly linked to, the issue was marked as fixed 2 weeks ago. It will take some time for the fix to be propagated into a regular viewer release.
Tesserra Resident
Maestro Linden Any idea when it will get rolled out? It's a huge pain!