llDetectedTouchPos returns TOUCH_INVALID_VECTOR when used in touch_start or touch
Carrington Stepford
llDetectedTouchPos returns an TOUCH_INVALID_VECTOR when the viewer is in Mouselook and llDetectedTouchPos is used in touch_start or touch events.
When used in the touch event, the first poll returned will be TOUCH_INVALID_VECTOR, subsequent polls will return a valid value.
Used in touch_start, it will always return TOUCH_INVALID_VECTOR when in Mouselook.
When the viewer is not in Mouselook, the function returns correct values in all events.
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Aogashima Astral
I think This bug is not fixed yet.
AnnieLamourVrai Corvinus
Please fix this
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Azura Littlepaws
I find this bug very annoying when flying in ML. Please address this issue!
DerrickDude Resident
I am a frequent flyer in SL and I find this bug very annoying when flying in ML. Please address this issue!
Tesserra Resident
This is an important issue. Please fix it.
Southwind Miles
I confirm this bug too, it is really affecting vehicle usage.
Eispoo Vezina
Please address this issue!
Walt Finesmith
This is a bug that definitely needs to be addreses as soon as possible.
MichaelDanielBaker Resident
Please understand. this Messes up. multiple vehicles and needs to be addressed as soon as possible.
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