Microphone in use by: SecondLifeViewer with Voice Chat Enabled being unchecked
DavidLupine Resident
Start WebRTC viewer with Voice Chat unchecked and Microphone is use by: SecondLifeViewer will appear in the taskbar.
This causes sound issues for people who don't regularly use voice and are using bluetooth headphones as it splits the bandwidth between input and output channels and renders the sound at a lower quality.
I believe this might be the root cause of this other canny report as well: https://feedback.secondlife.com/bug-reports/p/new-release-screws-up-my-sound
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Dan Linden
Dan Linden
Thank you for the report, DavidLupine!
Issue tracked. We have no estimate when it may be implemented. Please see future updates here.
DavidLupine Resident
Entered in the wrong queue. Please move to WebRTC Voice Beta.
Yikes Lopez
I have a issue with the WebRTC build. I use a mac apple silicon with apple airpods max. When i take off the headphones firestorm crashes because the headphones go to "sleep". Its solved when i forcequit slplugin and Dulianhelper.